Tällberg Forum 2013
Particle System Prototype
Circle Keys
A major presentation of Dahlstedt's music and research, as a lecture-recital, a part of the major concert of Tällberg Forum 2013. The performance consisted of the works Circle Keys, Foldings performed by Palle Dahlstedt) and Choir-Quarrel (with Voces Nordicae), and in a related workshop at the same conference, Particle Systems Prototype.
Particle System Prototype: preparatory work for a larger installation, presented during the TW@CERN workshop at Tällberg Forum 2013. The idea behind the musical work is to develop a virtual particle system, inspired and influenced by elementary particle physics, to understand and communicate some properties of such a system in a form perceivable by the listeners.
Choir-Quarrel: An interactive live electronics piece for
8 singers and 8 speakers, where each singer has a dialogue, or quarrel, with a speaker. The machine analyzes the sung phrase, and sings back through the speaker.
Circle Keys: An interactive piece for keyboard performer and live electronics, emulating four virtual musicians controlled by the playing of the human performer – who at the same time interacts musically with them.
Med stöd av
"Creative Performance" - ett forskningsprojekt finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet.
Beskrivning av projektet
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Typ av arbete
Particle System Prototype: Interactive music installation;
Choir-Quarrel: Live electronic composition;
Circle Keys: Interactive composition/systemic improvisation for keyboard and live electronics, programmed by the composer.
Offentliggjord i
Tällberg forum 2013
Particle System Prototype - TW@C Workshop-Villa Långbers konferenscenter, Tällberg Forum, Tällberg
Choir-Quarrel: Tällberg Forum 2013, Opening Session, June 13th, Main Tent, Tällberg, Sweden Tällberg Forum 2013, as part of the Bryt upp, bryt upp (Breaking times) concert installation, June 14th, Tällberg, Sweden Vetenskapsrådets Symposium om Konstnärlig Forskning och Utvecklingsarbete, Konstfack (University College of Arts, Craft & Design), Nov 28, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden 3:e Våningen, Lindblads Ande concert series, Dec 10th, 2013, Göteborg, Sweden
Circle Keys: Tällberg Forum 2013, Opening Session, June 13th, Main Tent, Tällberg, Sweden Tällberg Forum 2013, as part of the Bryt upp, bryt upp (Breaking times) concert installation, June 14th, Tällberg, Sweden Vetenskapsrådets Symposium om Konstnärlig Forskning och Utvecklingsarbete, Konstfack (University College of Arts, Craft & Design), Nov 28, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden 3:e Våningen, Lindblads Ande concert series, Dec 10th, 2013, Göteborg, Sweden
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Övrig beskrivning
Choir-Quarrel: Performed by Palle Dahlstedt and the choir Voces Nordicae conducted by Lone Larsen, as part of the installation/concert “Bryt upp, bryt upp” (“Breaking times”) at Tällberg Forum 2013, Tällberg Sweden
Dahlstedt, Palle
Generative music
Interactive music
Electronic music
Live electronics
Systemic improvisation
Systemic improvisation
Autonomous improvisers
Computer-mediated interaction models
artistic work