Molecular mechanisms optimizing photosynthesis during high light stress in plants
ABSTRACT: Oxygenic photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae and cyanobacteria usesolar energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into molecular oxygen and carbohydrates.Photosynthesis sustains life on Earth since it provides not only energy for individual growth, but also represents the starting point of the food chain for most living organisms. Sunlight is
essential for driving photosynthesis, but it is also known that in excess it can be stressful with severe consequences for plant growth. In this thesis I have used the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to study molecular mechanisms optimizing photosynthesis during high light stress.
One of these mechanisms is the reversible phosphorylation of proteins in the wateroxidizing
photosystem II (PSII) complex. The serine/threonine-protein kinases STN7 and STN8 are involved in the phosphorylation of the PSII light-harvesting complex (LHCII) and core proteins, respectively. In Paper II, I found variation in the phosphorylation levels of these proteins in
Arabidopsis natural accessions. In high light conditions, I found a correlation between the STN8
protein abundance and the D1 protein phosphorylation level. In growth light conditions, D1 and
LHCII phosphorylation correlated with longitude and in the case of LHCII phosphorylation with
temperature variability as well.
Another molecular mechanism for plants to overcome high light stress is via PSII repair.
STN8- mediated PSII core phosphorylation is an early and crucial step for efficient PSII repair,
since it alters the folding of the thylakoid membrane in a manner facilitating lateral migration of
complexes to the sites of repair. Among three laboratory Arabidopsis accessions studied, Ws-4
displayed a reduced STN8 level resulting in decreased PSII core protein phosphorylation (Paper I).
Nevertheless, the downstream steps in PSII repair proceeded normal or slightly faster. This
phenomenon is probably due to compensatory mechanisms involving additional lipids and
carotenoids to increase membrane fluidity and thus lateral migration of complexes.
The thylakoid ATP/ADP carrier (TAAC) transports ATP into the thylakoid lumen for
nucleotide-dependent reactions. In Paper III, I have found that TAAC- deficient plants displayed
wild-type levels of PSII protein phosphorylation but slower disassembly of complexes and slower
D1 protein degradation. I propose that ATP supplied by TAAC into the lumen is used for
nucleotide-dependent reactions with roles in various steps of PSII repair. I have also found that,
via its transport activity, TAAC may consume part of the proton gradient across the thylakoid
membrane, which is critical for the initiation of photoprotective mechanisms.
In a proteomics study of the stroma thylakoid membrane from Arabidopsis (Paper IV), I
identified 58 proteins, including previously known ones as well as new putative thylakoid
proteins with roles in photosynthesis transport, translation, protein fate, metabolism, stress
response and signaling. This thesis deepens our understanding of photosynthetic regulation at
the molecular level and improves the biochemical overview of the chloroplast thylakoid
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Photosystem II function and dynamics in three widely used Arabidopsis
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Natural variation in phosphorylation of photosystem II proteins in Arabidopsis
thaliana – is it caused by genetic variation in the STN kinases? Philos. Trans.
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Role of the thylakoid ATP/ADP carrier in photoinhibition and photoprotection
of photosystem II in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 153(2): 666-677.::doi::10.1104/pp.110.155804 Yin L, Vener AV, Spetea C.
Proteomic study of stroma thylakoid membranes from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Unpublished manuscript.
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Science
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences ; Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap
Måndag den 28:a April 2014 kl. 13.00, Hörsalen, Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap, Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B
Datum för disputation
Yin, Lan
High light stress
Natural variation
Protein phosphorylation
Photosystem II
STN Kinase
thylakoid membrane
Thylakoid ATP/ADP carrier
Doctoral thesis