Möte med multimodalt material. Vilken roll spelar dyslexi för uppfattandet av text och bild?
The aim of the thesis is to describe how two different groups of respondents, with and without dyslexia, experience and reproduce information from text and images compared with text only, and whether and in what way differences in representation effect their expressed understanding. An eye-tracking study based on assumptions from variation theory (contrasts need to be experienced to discern critical aspects of a phenomenon) was performed. The eye movements of 50 participants (mean age 23.8) were recorded while they were retrieving computer-based information and some participants were interviewed. Analysis was performed with a mixed methods approach, using statistical calculations of eye movement events, interpretations of eye movement patterns, oral answers, retention tests and interviews.
The thesis has its theoretical basis in variation theory, ‘the simple view of reading’, theories of multimodality and multimedia learning. The results show that the reading comprehension scores of participants with dyslexia decreased when pictures were present and that the control group inspected pictures earlier but also performed more transitions between text and image. The results highlight the impact of contrasts for discernment; meeting a non-expected picture leads to early inspection in both groups, giving a positive effect with regard to reading comprehension for the group with dyslexia. The design of the presented material thus played a significant role. Instructions in learning situations for how to efficiently process multimodal materials are thus crucial for people with dyslexia.
Parts of work
I.The Image of Images as a Predictor of Viewing Patterns in Young Adults With and Without Dyslexia (Submitted) II. Exploring the impact of contrasting cases in text and picture processing. Publicerad i Journal of Visual Literacy, 2013, Vol 32, Nr 2. III. Att orientera sig i text och bild. Skillnader mellan förmodad och faktisk läsning för läsare med dyslexi. Publicerad i Acta Didactica Norge, 2013, Vol 7, Nr 1. http://adno.no/index.php/adno/article/view/314 IV. Non-congruent pictures effects’ on reading comprehension: Differences and similarities in patterns of transition between text and picture among young adults with and without dyslexia.(Submitted)
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Education
Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies ; Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk profession
Onsdagen den 18 juni 2014, kl 13.00, Lokal BE 014, Pedagogen, Hus B
Date of defence
Wennås Brante, Eva
variation theory
reading comprehension
mixed methods
Publication type
Doctoral thesis
978-91-7346-791-9 (tryckt)
978-91-7346-792-6 (pdf)
Series/Report no.
Gothenburg studies in educational sciences