Människan bakom Uniformen - en kriminologisk analys av ett lokalt förtroendeskapande arbete
For a social prevention program to be successful it is necessary that the purpose is well adapted to the objective of the program. The work that is the subject of this study focuses first and foremost on creating improved relations and trust between youths and employees of uniformed professions. Areas that are being perceived as insecure and marked by crime are especially important to focus on in order to turn the situation around. This study aims at highlighting how trust can be created between the two groups through a program that is the result of cooperation of uniformed authorities.
The empirical material consists of qualitative data from participating observations and interviews. The study has been conducted in the district of Östra Göteborg between the periods of January 2014 through May 2014.
Officials within the different organizations aim at creating an overall trust for the organizations amongst the youths that take part of the program. By engaging and interacting the two groups manages in closing the gap that seems to be between them before the start of a new group. MBU aim at presenting youths with a new and creative platform where they can develop different skills helping them in their future lives. Results also show that workers from the fire rescue have regained confidence in the community and especially in youths by being part of MBU.
Some areas within the work that´s taking place could be regarded as more of a "getting to know the uniform" rather than the "person behind the uniform". However results show that by engaging youths in taking part in different practical exercises, the workers manages in creating an atmosphere that allows the groups to come closer one another on a personal level.
The geographical area where the organization has its root is plagued by social problems that in some areas have an impact on MBU. There are criminal groups that view MBU as far too "police friendly". Workers aim at empowering participants to not relinquish to these criminal forces.
Student essay
Silva, Rickard
reintegrative shaming
turning points