Historiskt korrekt En netnografisk studie av begreppet HK med historisk slöjd som kontext
Historically Correct - An ethnographic study of the concept HK with historical crafts as context
In this study I am focusing on how the Swedish term of Historiskt Korrekt (Historically accurate) is used
in a specific context: the facebook-group Vi som syr medeltidskläder (We sew medieval clothing).
Historiskt Korrekt (shortened to HK) is frequently used daily in diskussions in the group. My question is:
What definitions of the term can you find among the groupmembers and are these defintions in any way
related to the autenticity-discussion in archeology or conservation theory?
My entrance to crafts is my historical interest. As interest grew, I wanted to know more, I wanted to
understand the history by doing. That's why I ended up here, in the bachelor's programme in Leadership
and in handicraft. During these three years I felt that my type of crafts, where the focus lies on the
historical perspective, have been neglected. Therefore, I chose to let the subject of this study fall on a
topic relating to this craft area.
The study rests in an ethnographic way of thinking and is conducted online: nethnography. First I started a
discussion in the facebook-groups flow by asking three questions and nine informants answered. By email
interviews the nine informants deepened their thoughts on the studied term.
Together with a field study where I followed the discussions in the facebook-group I've been able to
distinguish common thoughts of the informant's in what the term means to them and how it's used. One of
the conclusions I made is that even though several of the informants believe that there is something that is
100% HK they don't always use it that way. When a discussion tries to answer how a garment becomes
HK it includes ways to do a credible interpretation rather than how to make a copy exactly. This also
means that there are many more similarities between the term Historiskt Korrekt and authenticity than I
initially thought.
Student essay
Other description
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Ledarskap i slöjd och kulturhantverk
15 hp
Institutionen för kulturvård
Göteborgs universitet
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Karlsson, Malin
historical crafts
Series/Report no.
ISSN 1101-3303