Proposed new lease standard -Do investors adjust for capitalized operating leases in their assessment on market value of equity?
BACKGROUND AND PROBLEM DISCUSSION Leases are a common way for companies
to acquire assets. However, the current lease regulation is criticized and a proposed new lease
standard (exposure draft) has been released. The presented changes in the new exposure draft
include capitalizing all leases, which will affect companies’ financial ratios. These regulation
changes may affect the market value for affected companies.
PURPOSE The purpose of this paper is to describe and explore the effects and possible
consequences capitalizing operating leases has on market value of equity. We want to
investigate if investors already adjust for capitalized operating leases in their assessment of
market value of equity.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHOD Our purpose and hypothesis is investigated by
capitalizing operating leases. All data is collected from DataStream and processed using a
constructive capitalization model. The capitalized data is then tested against our hypothesis using
a regression model.
RESULT AND CONCLUSION Our results indicate that investors do not adjust current market
value of equity for capitalized operating leases.
SUGGESTION AND FURTHER RESEARCH An event study for the same companies after
the implementation of the new standard would be interesting to see if the new standard in fact
has an effect on market value of equity.
Student essay
Pettersson, Sebastian
Brolin, David
Operating leases, new lease standard, capitalization, disclosures, market value of