En kulturhistorisk undersökning av minneslunden på Stola herrgård – förslag till en underhållsplan
A cultural historical analysis of the Memorial site at Stola mansion - suggestion to a maintenance plan.
The purpose with this essay has been to develop a simple and effective maintenance plan for the memorial site and the English park at Stola mansion, which is based by cultural historical and biological values that is available at the place today. To achieve the purpose of this paper following issues were questioned and answered;
- Which cultural and biological values are at the memorial site and the English park today?
- How could a maintenance plan for the memorial site and the English park at Stola mansion be developed to promote the memorial blocks?
This essay will process how a maintenance plan can be developed to the Memorial site and the English park at Stola mansion by literature- and map-studies, visits at the memorial site and the English Park and finally by interviews. The basis for the maintenance plan is in the cultural historical and biological values, which has been developed and compiled. The maintenance plan is supposed to be a tool in order to encourage the memorial place with its high cultural and nature values as well as the memorial blocks.
The result of the essay gives a report regarding 18th Century Stola mansion with the Ekeblad family in focus. Thanks to their contacts within the Swedish royal house the Ekeblad family is presented to the English parks and decides to arrange two parks at their own mansion. The English parks are described both national and international regarding their emerge and development. The memorial site with its memorial stones is described both by literature and by maps. By the historical part in the analysis the reader will get an understanding about the Ekeblad family and the English parks. This understanding will facilitate and valuate the cultural and historical values in the memorial site and the park.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design
22,5 hp, 2014
Berglund, Therese
Stola manor
English park
cultural historical values
biological values
maintenance plan
memorial site