Software Defect Prediction Techniques in Automotive Domain: Evaluation, Selection and Adoption
Software is becoming an increasingly important part of automotive product development. While software in automotive domain enables important functionality and innovations, it also requires significant effort for its verification & validation to meet the demands of safety, high quality and reliability. To ensure that the safety and quality demands are meet within the available resource and time - requires efficient planning and control of test resources and continuous reliability assessment. By forecasting the expected number of defects and likely defect inflow profile over software life cycle, defect prediction techniques can be used for effective allocation of limited test resources. These techniques can also help with the assessment of maturity of software before release.
This thesis presents research aimed at improving the use of software defect prediction techniques within the automotive domain. Through a series of empirical studies, different software defect prediction techniques are evaluated for their applicability in this context. The focus of the assessment have been on evaluation of these techniques, how to select the appropriate software reliability growth models and the factors that play important role in their adoption in industry.
The results show that - defect prediction techniques (i) can be effectively used to forecast the expected defect inflow profile (shape and the asymptote); (ii) they are also useful for assessment of the maturity of software before release; (iii) executable models can be used for early reliability assessment by combining fault injection with mutation testing approach; and (iv) a number of factors beyond predictive accuracy such as setup, running, and maintenance costs are important for industrial adoption of machine learning based software defect prediction techniques.
The effective use of software defect prediction techniques and doing early reliability assessment on executable models would allow (i) early planning and efficient use of limited test resources; (ii) reduced development time/ market lead time; and (iii) more robust software in automobiles which make them more intelligent, safe and also highly reliable.
I. R. Rana, M. Staron, J. Hansson and M. Nilsson, “Defect Prediction over Software Life Cycle in Automotive Domain”, In the proceedings of 9th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies - ICSOFT-EA, Vienna, Austria, 2014
II. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, and F. Törner, “Comparing between Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Non-Linear Regression estimation procedures for Software Reliability Growth Modelling”, In the proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Software Measurement, IWSM-Mensura, Ankara, Turkey, 2013
III. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, F. Törner, and N. Mellegård, “Evaluation of standard reliability growth models in the context of automotive software systems”, In the proceedings of 14th Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, PROFES, Paphos, Cyprus, 2013
IV. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, F. Törner, W. Meding, and C. Höglund, “Selecting software reliability growth models and improving their predictive accuracy using historical projects data,” Published in Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 98, pp. 59–78, Dec. 2014
V. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, and W. Meding, “Analyzing Defect Inflow Distribution of Large Software Projects”, Submitted to a Journal
-This paper is based (revised and extended) on paper “Analysing Defect Inflow Distribution of Automotive Software Projects”, Published in the proceedings of 10th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering, PROMISE, Turin, Italy, 2014
VI. M. Staron, R. Rana, W. Meding, and M. Nilsson, “Consequences of Mispredictions of Software Reliability: A Model and its Industrial Evaluation”, In the proceedings of 24nd International Conference on Software Measurement, IWSM-Mensura, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2014
VII. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, and F. Törner, “Early Verification and Validation According to ISO 26262 by Combining Fault Injection and Mutation Testing,” Published in Software Technologies, Springer, 2014, pp. 164–179.
VIII. R. Rana, M. Staron, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, and F. Törner, “Predicting Pre-Release Defects and Monitoring Quality in Large Software Development: A Case Study from the Automotive Domain”, Submitted to a Journal
IX. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, and W. Meding, “A framework for adoption of machine learning in industry for software defect prediction”, In the proceedings of 9th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT-EA, Vienna, Austria, 2014
X. R. Rana, M. Staron, C. Berger, J. Hansson, M. Nilsson, and W. Meding, “The adoption of machine learning techniques for software defect prediction: An initial industrial validation”, In the proceedings of 11th Joint Conference On Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, JCKBSE, Volgograd, Russia, 2014
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. IT-fakulteten
Department of Computer Science and Engineering ; Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik
13:00 in room Omega, Jupiter building, Hörselgången 11, Lindholmen
Datum för disputation
Rana, Rakesh
Software Defect Prediction
Automotive Software
Test Resource Allocation
Software Reliability Growth Models
Doctoral thesis