A collaboration between Butoh dancer Nonoko Sato and electronic musician Palle Dahlstedt, based on improvisation within set constraints, with a focus on creating an intimate performative dialogue between sound and movement. Duration 20 minutes.
Med stöd av
The composition and design of the special software for musical improvisation, as well as the residence in Kyoto, Japan, and the performance of the collaborative work took place within the research project Creative Performance, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Beskrivning av projektet
Improvisation is an exploration of an unknown space. We navigate partly blindfolded along paths determined by unpredictable interaction between man and machine, and between people. Without a map, we have to probe and react, ponder and vary, explore and contemplate (what we have before we lose it). Trying to achieve the gestural freedom of acoustic instruments, I perform on custom electronic instruments together with Butoh dancer Nonoko Sato. The instruments are based on a novel mapping from physical gesture to sound, developed by Dahlstedt. In his research at University of Gothenburg. It allows a kind of physical phrasing that is difficult to attain with other electronic means, with a directness that mimcs that of acoustic instruments. Thanks to this kind of instruments, the musician can react to the most minute detail in the dancers movement, forming an intimate dialogue between musician and dancer.
Palle Dahlstedt/パッレ・ダールステット - composer, pianist, improviser, electronic musician, researcher into the inner mechanics of creativity - 作曲家、ピアニスト、即興、電子音楽家、創造性の内部力学への研究者 - visiting from Gothenburg, Sweden,ヨーテボリ、スウェーデンからの訪問
佐藤野乃子/Nonoko Sato - 舞踏手、舞踏カンパニー"今貂子+倚羅座"所属。万物を踊る。 - Butoh dancer, belong to Butoh company Ima tenko+Kiraza. She dances all things in nature.
Typ av arbete
Improvisation - del av projekt; Butoh dance solo with live electronic music
Offentliggjord i
Invited live performance at the curated Experiments in Art & Technology event (E.A.T. 2), Urban Guild, Kyoto, Japan
Länk till verkets webbplats
Dahlstedt, Palle
Nonoko, Sato
Gestural control
Electronic music
artistic work