Vantablack – The Closest Thing On Earth To Nothing
Vantablack – The Closest Thing On Earth To Nothing is the first in a new series of performance lectures aiming to produce new critical perspectives and models of resistance in matters of economy, history writing and gender. Through the associative linking of different contemporary and historical elements that may and may not relate to the matter at hand, the performance here becomes a method of simultaneously producing and presenting knowledge.
Vantablack… was presented at Skogen in Gothenburg within the framework of Three White Soldiers Performative Academy - an arrangement by Johan Forsman and Anders Paulin.
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In cooperation with Skogen
Beskrivning av projektet
The Vantablack-lecture takes it’s starting point in the recent scientific invention by the same name; a super black material fashioned out of carbon nanotubes, absorbing 99,965% of all light. Interpreted as an expression of ultimate resistance, Vantablack becomes the central feature in this performance which furthermore reflects on High Frequency Trading as a way of catapulting capitalism into a black hole, on the difficulties of distinguishing between economy and nature, of the relationship between art, occupation and resistance and of the possible application of Allemansrätten (the Right of Public Access) on corporate space in urban environments.
Oscillating between story telling and scientific lecture, between the fictious and the factual, between poetry and political speech, this half hour long performance attempts to create a conceptual space for the conception of new ways of thinking and acting.
It’s contents corresponded well with the general thematic of the Three White Soldiers-arrangement which juxtaposed performances, lectures, film screenings, concerts and conversations, in a program where the participants all in different ways discussed and investigated how ideas of Time/Space and Material/Immaterial has been developing in contemporary economics, art and science over the last 50 years.
The project emanates from the Three White Soldiers performative archive which is put together by Paulin and Forsman throughout three years of collaborative work and which contains material on concepts such as HFT (High Frequency Trading), Dematerialization of Art & Money, Arpanet/Internet, Cybernetics, California, The Desert, Buckminster Fuller, Space Program, Algorithms, Language/Thing, The Gold Standard, Patterns, Cymatics, 528 hz, Shamanism, Pilgrimage, Sonic Fiction, Land art/Minimalism, Whole Earth Catalogue & Stewart Brand, Cowboys, Hippies, Hackers, Spoofers, Snipers, Sniffers, The Fountain of Gold – The Three Monkey Record of Money
Participating Artists:Bojana Kunst, Bojana Mladenovic, Gluey-C, Tor Lindstrand, Rasmus Nielsen/SUPERFLEX, Ulysses Pascal, Barrie James Sutcliffe & Richard Wiederberg, Johan Forsman, Anders Paulin
Typ av arbete
lecture performance
Offentliggjord i
Skogen, Göteborg
Länk till verkets webbplats
Lundgren, Annika
black hole
high frequency trading
Three White Soldiers
artistic work