Shipworm ecology in Swedish coastal waters
Shipworms (Teredinidae) are marine bivalves adopted for boring into submerged wood, which
they efficiently fragmentize and consume. They thereby perform a vital ecosystem service, yet
simultaneously they cause extensive damage to important man-made marine structures. In Swedish
waters, which this thesis focuses on, shipworms are not only a threat against marine cultural
buildings, ships, bridges, and harbour structures (all made of wood), but also against the invaluable
historical wrecks in the Baltic Sea. Thus, it is crucial to have knowledge about their recruitment in
this region. Shipworms, as many other marine species, have change its geographical distribution in
numerous areas in concert with climate change. The first aim of my thesis was therefore to
investigate the distribution and abundance of shipworms along the Swedish coast and to test the
hypothesis that they had expanded their range into the Baltic Sea. Wooden test panels were
submerged at 18 harbours along the coast, from Strömstad to Ystad, and around the Danish island
of Bornholm. By comparing the results of this investigation to those from similar work in the
1970’s, it was clear that there was no evidence for range expansion of shipworms in the surface
waters in this part of the Baltic Sea the last 35 years. The second aim was then to determine the
probability of spread of shipworms further into the Baltic Sea in the near-future. A simple, GISbased,
mechanistic climate envelope model was developed to predict the temporal and spatial
distribution of environmental conditions that would permit reproduction and larval metamorphosis
of the shipworm Teredo navalis. The model was parameterized with published tolerances for
temperature, salinity and oxygen. In addition, a high-resolution three-dimensional hydrographic
model was used to simulate the likelihood of spread of T. navalis larvae within the study area. The
climate envelope modeling showed that projected near-future climate change is not likely to
change the overall distribution of T. navalis in the region, but will prolong the breeding season.
Dispersal simulations indicated that the majority of larvae were philopatric, but those that spread
to at present uninfested areas typically spread to areas unfavourable for their survival.
Consequently, there is a low probability of natural spread of T. navalis further into the Baltic Sea
in the near-future. The predicted prolongation of the breeding season was shown in the third study,
where a substantial phenological shift in the time of recruitment of T. navalis over the last 35 years
was observed. The period of intensive recruitment during the study period (2004 – 2006) was on
average one month longer than that observed in the 1970´s. This extension was primarily at the
end of the breeding season: intensive recruitment ended 26 days later in the 2000´s than in the
1970’s. These results correlated well with a highly significant increase of the sea surface
temperature since the 1970´s. Strong positive relationships were also found between a mean sea
surface temperature of 16 °C (the reported temperature at which T. navalis release larvae) and the
day of the year on which intensive larval recruitment began, and ended. The prolongation of the
breeding season observed here increases the likelihood of successful recruitment of shipworms at
the range margins, and thereby increases the risk of damage to man-made structures in the future.
Finally, factors influencing substrate detection and settlement (chemical cues and small-scale
turbulence and flow) of shipworm larvae were investigated. Field experiments showed, for the first
time, that natural populations of shipworm larvae are attracted to wooden substrates by waterborne
chemical cues. Subsequent laboratory experiments indicated, however, that small-scale
hydrodynamic patterns are probably more important in determining settlement success. In the
field, significantly greater numbers of competent larvae were found adjacent to plankton net bags
contained wooden panels than to empty control nets. Laboratory flume experiments using
ecologically relevant flow conditions showed, however, that active swimming by larvae would
only influence settlement probability within a few body lengths of the substrate to reach it by
altering behaviour (swimming). Thus it seems probable that chemical cues are only important for
settlement when currents have advected larvae close to wooden substrata.
Paper I:
Appelqvist, C., Havenhand, J., Toth, G.B. (2014)
Distribution and abundance of teredinids along the Swedish coast - are shipworms invading the Baltic Sea? Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the UK ::doi::10.1017/S0025315414001830 Paper II:
Appelqvist, C., Al-Hamdani Z.K., Jonsson P.R., Havenhand, J.N. (In Press)
Climate envelope modeling and dispersal simulations show little risk of range
extension of the shipworm, Teredo navalis (L.), in the Baltic Sea. PLoS One. Paper III:
Appelqvist, C., Havenhand, J. (manuscript)
A phenological shift in the time of recruitment of the shipworm, Teredo navalis
L., mirrors marine climate change. Paper IV:
Toth, G.B., Appelqvist, C., Larsson, A.I., Jonsson, P.R., (submitted manuscript)
Natural populations of shipworm larvae are attracted to wood by waterborne
chemical cues.
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Science
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences ; Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap
kl 13.00 Hörsalen Love´n centret Tjärnö
Datum för disputation
Appelqvist, Christin
Doctoral thesis