An Analysis on the Linguistic Structure of Western Music Theory Terms in Japanese
The aim of the present thesis is to conduct a linguistic analysis of the Western music theory
terminology in Japanese with focus on word types (or “strata”) and the semantic relation between
components within compound words. The terminology of this field is relatively new to Japan as
most of the terms were created in the Meiji period to translate the new concepts of Western music
imported to Japan at the time. In the present study, technical terms were selected from a musical
grammar textbook and analyzed based on the framework of Yamaguchi (2007). The results showed
that the dominant word type was Sino-Japanese (漢語kango) kanji compound words, and the
dominant semantic relation pattern between the components in the compounds was where the first
component modifies the second. Furthermore, the studies of Zhu (1998, 2011) has provided further
information, leading the present study to conjecture that strata proportions could be roughly similar
for the terminology of all fields that were introduced to Japan around the Meiji period, although
internal semantic relationships within compound words may show greater contrasts between the
different fields.
Student essay
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Matilda, Fahlström
music terminology
Toshiko Yamaguchi
Jing-wei Zhu
word types
compound words
Series/Report no.
SPL kandidatuppsats
SPL 2014-119