Evaluating the usage of Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons and Smartphones for Indoor Positioning Systems
Due to the extensive adaptation of smartphones outdoor
positioning by GPS has become an everyday commodity for
many people. When it comes to indoor positioning things
are different. Topology constraints in indoor environments
are much more complex than those in outdoor environments.
Many technologies and techniques have been used to solve
this problem and as new technologies arrive these need to
be evaluated.
This papers aims to evaluate the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol,
the way it works in indoor environments and explore
the possibilities of improving the quality of the received signals
so they can be used with smartphones.
We conducted tests in a number of different indoor environments
in order to identify the key attributes that affect the
signals and suggest ways to improve them. To conduct these
tests we first built a smartphone application to allow us to
make measurements of BLE signals as well as implementing
ways to improve them. Data was collected from these tests
and used to guide the direction of further improvements.
After evaluating the new Bluetooth sensors, it is still unclear
if accurate indoor positioning can be achieved but further
insights are shared and guidance for future implementation
and research is given.
Student essay
Hultgren, Milton
Papathanopoulos, Dionysios