Software as a Product Versus Software as a Sevice
Cloud computing is a model for enabling
present, suitable, on - demand network access to a shared
configurable computing resources [1]. Cloud computing is
a new name for an old technology that has been spreading
rapidly for the past few years. Moving from software-as-aproduct
(SaaP) to software-as-a-service (SaaS) can be
considered a challenge for companies who don’t have
experience with such a migration. There are many aspects
to be considered and much research to be conducted
before making such decisions. !
In this paper, we perform a case study on Atea Global
Services, to investigate the difference between software as
a service and software as a product. The conclusion of this
research is based on interviews conducted on managers,
developers, and consultants from different companies with
different experience working with cloud. The research
paper covers the nature of both technical and
organizational aspects that are necessary to know prior to
the migration.
Student essay
Hayder, Reem
Safiniaynaini, Tina