Närodlade altarblommor. Svenska Kyrkans möjligheter att odla egna snittblommor
Locally grown altar flowers - The opportunities for the Swedish Church to grow their own cut flowers
Reflections on the use of altar flowers and how they are procured led to this thesis.
There has been a strong development in Fairtrade and locally grown food but the same cannot be said for cut flowers. The largest religious body in Sweden the Church of Sweden, with its parishes all over the country, is in the position to influence society.
Considering human rights, environmental issues and basic Christian values there should be other ways to fill the need for altar flowers. By gathering information from parishes that grow their own altar flowers and from horticulturally knowledgeable people outside of the Church’s activities, the possibility for parishes’ self-sufficiency in altar flowers for most of the year is investigated. Ever since flowers started being used on the altar there has been differences in opinion on their function and symbolic value. Tradition rules without there being a uniform view on it and the liturgy of colour is limiting when choosing altar flowers. Important views and reflections have come up during this research, showing great possibilities for parishes to grow their own altar flowers or find
other more sustainable options. By utilizing the values that come from your own cultivation, the Church of Sweden as an organisation has a lot to gain.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 15 hp, 2015.
Leckström, Marianne
cut flowers
Church of Sweden
added value