Stuka. En förvaringsmetod för grönsaker under vinterhalvåret
Clamp - a method of storage for vegetables during the winter months
The aim of this work was to investigate whether there are any differences between a traditional ridge pole clamp and a modern clamp and if both models kept the vegetables in good quality during the winter season. The aim with the work was to examine whether and how the modern clamp may enable a wider range of applications for modern man and to spread knowledge and inspire others to use the layer method. The questions that have been answered in this work concerned the difference between the various clamps and whether the modern clamp has evolved from a practical perspective that keeps the same quality of the vegetables as the traditional one; and how the clamp can become a useful method of storage for vegetables that meets the requirements of durability and usability.
To answer the questions posed in the work, qualitative and quantitative methods have been used. A summary of the literature was made based on what various authors recommend in the subject clamps as a storage method. The work also includes a practical investigation part where both clamp models were built systematically based on descriptions from the literature. To examine the difference between the models, the temperature was measured inside the clamps during the storage period. The root vegetables that were laid down in the clamps were weighed on storage and on lift to see if the weight had been affected by the winter's prevailing climate.
The investigation yielded a positive result showing that the storage of root vegetables in a traditional ridge pole clamp and in a modern clamp is useful. There was not much change in temperature inside the two models during the storage period. The result of the work is dis-played in a line and bar chart.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 22, 5 hp, 2015
Lindwall, Maria
Root vegetables
Edible roots
Urban agriculture