How Multiple Contributors Reduce Software Quality - A Quantitative Analysis on a Large Telecommunications Company
Since the origin of agile methods and open source
development, code ownership tends to be more widely
distributed over multiple contributors than before. The
question is to what extent a component is a↵ected when
several developers contribute to it. Does several contributors
provide better solutions than a sole developer
or does multiple contributors generate additional defects?
Although some previous research results point
to the fact that more contributors do expose a project
to higher risk, surprisingly little has been done to validate
this hypothesis. An answer to this question is
highly relevant since it provides organizations with the
option to adjust development teams and contribution
levels accordingly, in order to assure software quality.
By empirically studying a large data set from a proprietary
telecommunications company, we examine the
relationship between the number of contributors and the
number of defects in closed source industrial projects.
In addition, we are the first to investigate the e↵ect that
multiple contributors have on defect density and defect
severity. We find the correlation between contributors
and defect density to be statistically significant and we
find that the number of contributors and the number of
defects has a near perfect positive relationship.
Student essay
Lotström, Ale
Hodovic, Dani