Världen anropar En studie av utrikesnyheternas väg till svenska tidningsläsare
Title: The World is Calling - A study of international news flow into swedish newspapers
Authors: Ida Mikko & Daniel Ågren
Level: Bachelor of Journalism
Location: University of Gothenburg
Language: Swedish
Number of pages: 27
This essay aims to investigate the international news flow into Sweden through the key national news agency TT (Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå) and further through four major Swedish newspapers onto the public market. Our chosen method is a quantitative content analysis where we look at the output from TT and aforementioned newspapers with the goal to study and analyze differences.
The relevancy of this topic can be explained through agenda setting theory, which shows us that the media has a powerful impact on public opinion and the political agenda. In an increasingly globalized world, no country stands alone. Swedish foreign news stems to a great extent from international news services (gathered through TT or directly by the newspapers themselves).
More in detail, our study examines representation in terms of geography, topics, and primary sources in our analyzed media.
We have found previous research which suggests that Swedish foreign news reporting strongly corresponds with the large international bureaus. Given the amount of material TT gathers from these agencies, TT gets to act as a primary and important gatekeeper to the Swedish language sphere in many cases. The examined newspapers show many similarities with TT in terms of news selection, however we also discovered some surprising differences which will be discussed in the essay.
Student essay
Mikko, Ida
Ågren, Daniel
News values
agenda setting