Etisk Urvalsprocess - Hur ser urvalsprocessen ut när kapitalförvaltare ska konstruera en etisk placeringsprodukt?
The demand for responsible products has reached the global financial sector and thereby the Swedish financial market. The demand for responsible investment products first came from the Swedish church. Their requirements for the businesses they were investing in have today become the foundation of the Swedish ethical financial market. Since then, the ethics in organizations has become a well-explored area and international standards are continuously restricting the market further. Though, the definition of ethics is still free for interpretation and this because of the by law not regulated assortment process of an ethical investment product. This study aims to chart the process of creating ethical investment products. In the report, the writers deal with the problems of a non-formal definition of ethics and the non-regulated assortment processes of constructing the ethical investment products. Due to factors like time and budget the writers could not investigate the global market. Subsequently, the definition of ethics is restricted to Swedish perceptions. Asset managing organizations have been influencing each other and taken industry standards into account, when deciding about their ethical assortment. They do not try to define ethics for everyone, but rather promote the ethical definition that fits their customers. Expectations about variations of the processes were not supported by the result of the report. Factors, like legitimacy and industry standards, have affected the Swedish asset managing organizations to practically use the same ethical assortment process. This report will therefore provide a better understanding of the asset managers processes when creating ethical investment products.
Student essay
Stensson, Jennifer
Nyström, Sofia
Etics, assortment process, Screening, Social Responsible Investments
Environmental Management/Uthålligt företagande