"Låt oss kollidera våra kloka huvuden". Montecore i undervisningen för svenska 3
“Let Us Collide Our Clever Heads” – Teaching Montecore in the Swedish Language Classroom
The aim of this study in literature didactics is to examine how a novel can be used in a Swedish language
classroom in the course “Svenska 3”. According to the syllabus, pupils must learn how to analyse the main
theme, the genre, and the authorship of works of literature. In this study I analyse how the novel Montecore:
The Silence of the Tiger (original title Montecore – En unik tiger) by the Swedish author Jonas Hassen Khemiri
can be used to work towards these objectives. I do so by taking a postcolonial perspective based on Edward
Said’s theory of Orientalism and focusing on the theme of social exclusion prevalent in the novel. For the
didactic perspective I use reading theories from Judith A. Langer about approaching texts and J.A. Appleyard
about “the reader as thinker” and “the reader as interpreter”. Since the novel shows traits of a biography I also
problematise the risk of a non-fictional reading of the novel. I come to the conclusion that the novel provides
suitable material to discuss the concepts of main theme, genre, and authorship as well as to work with the
Swedish school’s underlying value system by revealing and discussing postcolonial structures and racism.
Student essay
Cassel, Amandla
literature didactics
teaching of literature
secondary school
postcolonial literature