Spitsbergen – Past and Present
This exhibition was the second version of the exhibit format of the
results from the research project Rephotography – dialogue with
history in an Arctic landscape. It presents the results of fieldwork and
archival work as a visual mapping of the northwest corner of
Spitsbergen with focus on glacier visual appearance.
Supported by
Vetenskapsrådet, Polarforskningssekretariatet, Norsk Polarinstiutt
Description of project
Dialogue with history in an Arctic Landscape/ Dialog med historia i
ett arktiskt landskap
This investigation, concerned with environmental photography and
narratives has its foundation in the understanding of a dramatic
change in the wild landscape of Arctic Svalbard. It is about the
perception of the Arctic and relate to the representation of
Spitsbergen, historical context, contemporary applications and
interpretations of historical photographs through, fieldwork, archival
research and rephotography. Photographic studies on site, in the field,
based on historical photographs and using the method of
rephotography, gives us images of now and then that speaks beyond
the possibilities of written records. The photographs show not only
changes over time through specific data in the images but also
addresses issues regarding shifting cultural views of how the natural
world has been visualized over time. They are also part of a wider and
interdisciplinary context on how these areas of the earth, the wild
places, have been valued and are valued in our contemporary world.
The result is a visual record – photographic documents and artistic
Photography is a direct way of bearing witness and creating sequences
of evidential data on changes over time in landscapes. Applied to the
narrative of vanishing landscapes photography function as both the
witness to mankind’s brutal interference with land and sea as well as
being a voice for what to save and for the beauty of the wild places
wherever they are to be found. The issues of the impact of our
industrialised culture on nature are our times most important issues
and it is of great importance to understand the consequences of these
issues to be able to prepare for the future to come.
Type of work
Utställning fotografi
Published in
Hasselbladstiftelsen – Project Room
Link to web site
Other description
This is an on going project and has developed into collaborations with
several institutions and researchers and individuals across disciplines in
an international context.
View/ Open
Martinsson, Tyrone
Environmental photography
Publication type
artistic work