Talking out of my ass –getting my ass out here/over here
Sammanfattning, is a project where I am literally talking out of my ass, both live and online. Since August 2014, I have had an online advicecolumn, where anyone can ask my ass anything, and I have held live shows with my ass, in various locations for various audiences.
Beskrivning av projektet
• is a project where I take the metaphor of talking stupid by talking out of ones ass, as literally as I can manage. I try to hear what my ass has to say – and to hear what the things I have to say myself will sound like when I say them with my ass.
• It is a longterm project involving different manifestations. So far my ass has made a website where it hosts an video-advicecolumn, and had 2 live-appearances. In the long run, I hope my ass will also be making artreviews, talkshows, seminars, speeches and more.
• A small description of the advice column
In the video advice column, that is found online, my ass gives advice about complicated issues of complex times to anyone who asks. In an introductory interview the the ass says that it might be complex and polyphonic much in the same way as Mikahail Bakhtin would say a novel by Dostoyevskij is” and it is for that reason, that it may be able to give appropriately complex answers to complex times. So far it has answered a variety of questions such as: -where did the ”r”s go? / will I regret it if I have children? /- what is the difference between high art and low art? / and: are you all well?
• A small description of the Live appearances:
Røven på komedie/ the ass in the school
- Was a liveshow for children where my ass and I tried to help figure out why children today are stupider than ever, in 2014 as well as in 1556. The performance was done on backdrop of a chalkboard copy of an engraving by Pieter Brueghel the Elder called ”the ass in the school”. By explaining how this painting shows us how children of “today” have always seemed stupid in the eyes of older assholes, my ass tries to explain that it is in fact quite hard to know what stupid actually is. As an ass, and thus as an example of stupidity, my ass is a bit of an expert in stupid though, and for that reason the children are encouraged to ask my ass what is really stupid. They asked a lot of questions, and among them were for instance “would it be stupid to cut off ones head” and “is it stupid to show your ass to strangers”?
• Røven fuld af penge/ your ass full of money
If you say about someone in danish, that they have an “ass full of money” you also somehow vent a certain scepticism towards these money and especially towards those assholes that possess them.This scepticism seems ancient and wellfounded, but what the ass has to do with it seems a bit more mysterious. In order to get a better understanding of that, my ass interviewed economist and a a historian of money John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006).
• This interview was conducted with a Galbraith that was cut out of a television series “the age of uncertainty” made for BBC in 1977. (The leader of the conservative party at the time: Margaret Thatcher objected to the series, that she found too biased for british television – and brought in Milton Friedman to lecture against it, and he also ended up making an opposing series called ”Free to Chose” on PBS. )
A very brief explanation of why I do it?
To be talking out of one’s ass seems to be a description of talking stupid – and at the same you need to “put you ass on the line” if you want to put action behind your words. It seems in this way, that the message that goes through the ass here is, that you have to be a bit stupid to act in this world. The tagline on is however, that I am just trying to engage my body in intelligent conversation” and I hope that maybe my ass will be able to merge thinking and taking action in new ways.
Typ av arbete
Work in progress in online video advice-column, live performances and more.
Offentliggjord i
Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen
PUBLIK-projectspace, Copenhagen
Westwerk, Hamburg
Shangrila Art Festival festival, Joshua Tree, USA
Länk till verkets webbplats
Övrig beskrivning
On I introduce my ass as advicecolumnist by interviewing it in a custom made talkshow studio. In this interview my ass explains how it is a complicated bodypart that can be both funny and serious all at the same time – and why that makes it capable of answering all the difficult questions that peolple may be dealing with.
• In the livehows my ass has discussed the stupidity of children today with these children, and talked about having an ass full of money with John Kenneth Galbraith. In the future it hopes togo a lot more live, in talkshows, semiars and more.
Hvejsel, Ulla
Stupidity ass
artistic work