Madness and the Bastard in Motion: Learning /Teaching through Performance Studies in Santa Cruz, San Francisco, New York
Learning and Teaching through Performance Studies in Santa Cruz, San Francisco, New York. Part of the Cross Faculty Group for Performance /Performativitys INTRA-ACTIVE lunch seminars 2014 – 2015..
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Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg
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Madness and the Bastard in Motion: Learning /Teaching through Performance Studies in Santa Cruz, San Francisco, New York
Performance Faculty Group, Univ. of Gothenburg, Performance Studies Tour, USA, 2014
Moving through time, shaping and diffracting a non-existing form. What happens in the microscopic moment? When nothing could even be imagined… On our way we challenge both time and existence… learning through teaching. Our journey is an ornamenting becoming in itself… A mattering through performance….
Performance Cross Faculty Group, Univ. of Gothenburg Performance Studies Tour, USA, 2014 welcome you to take part in a digital, and prolonged, lunch seminar, out of order out of place, that take /time/and place online and during a short journey.
Elisabeth Belgrano and Fredric Gunve
OPEN PROCESS is part of the CROSS FACULTY GROUPS ongoing program of lunch seminars.
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Typ av arbete
Seminaries, presentation, performance
Offentliggjord i
Temporary Agency 855 Wyckoff Ave, Ridgewood, New York 11385.
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Övrig beskrivning
OPEN PROCESS is part of the CROSS FACULTY GROUPS ongoing program of lunch seminars.
The lunch seminars function is to create a place and time for people at the FACULTY OF FINE, APPLIED AND PERFORMING ARTS, Univ. of Gothenburg to meet other interested in discussing and practicing performance and performativity as method and theory. The seminars, meetings and other events that the CROSS FACULTY GROUP arranges are always open for everyone to take part in. We believe that knowledge is being produced in the meeting (fusion, blurring, merging intra-action, transformation) between all participants of all forms, all matters and in mattering. Space, place, people and other parties are all part of the ongoing transformative process of understanding and making knowledge.
The overall aim of the cross‐disciplinary performance group is to give members of the Faculty a context in which to encounter and experience performativity and its meanings, whilst obtaining tools to analyze and produce discussion and of performative modes of expression and strategies as a way to explore the world, including human communication and social interaction. The group will develop a critical mass guided by transparency in an inclusive environment, welcoming both intimate discussions and outreaching events as part of everyday action and extreme excess.
Gunve, Fredric
Belgrano, Elisabeth
INTRA-ACTIVE lunch seminars
Teaching through Performance Studies
artistic work