Låt mig vara, kvinna. En undersökning av hur de tidiga åhörarna kan ha uppfattat ljudlandskapet i dialogerna mellan Jesus och kvinnorna i Johannesevangeliet
Woman, why do you involve me? An investigation of how the early audience could have apprehended the soundscape in the dialogues between Jesus and the women, in the gospel of John
One thing about the Gospel of John is that it is written to be listened to in the first
place, not to be read. Our problem, when we're reading the dialoges, is that we can't
hear how Jesus or the women sounded when they talked.
The purpose with this survey is to try to see how the early audience could have
apprehended the dialogues between Jesus and the women, in John. I've chosen
therefore to use a method of sound mapping, and to discuss what I've found in my research with secondary litterature.
What is obvious is that the women hade active roles, they were driving the
dialogues and Jesus met them in a relatively equal way, even if it was he who had the
greater knowledge.
The audience probably hear both Jesus and the women crossing social borders,
and in many places of the dialogues they probably would hear the emphasis in
different places than what the secondary litteratur I've used is demonstrating.
Student essay