Bruka eller bevara Olika perspektiv på flytten av Gästgiveriet Gårdsten
Use or preserve, different perspectives on the relocation of Gästgiveriet Gårdsten
The aim of this thesis is to suggest a way of restoring an old inn called Gästgiveriet Gårdsten, intended to be relocated for preservation, by exploring the concept of heritage and the different meanings it has today and then use these to discuss the value of relocated buildings. By studying literature and making interviews the goal has been to define different views of heritage today. By analysing methods for valuating heritage recommended by Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish National Heritage Board) and studying the dominating views on relocation of buildings the goal has been to define which view is mostly used in practice. In a case study the relocation of Gästgiveriet Gårdsten was examined from two different perspectives of heritage and the result was analysed. These studies showed that the value of heritage can be seen in different ways today and it can either be seen to have a scientific value or a value depending on the social-cultural meaning it creates. There is a gap between the heritage studies and practising heritage workers according to the way heritage is understood. The methods for valuating heritage recommended by Riksantikvarieämbetet sees heritage values as carriers of knowledge pointed out by experts to be kept in to the future. Also relocation of buildings is often seen in a scientific way. The case study showed that the scientific values will decrease in case of a relocation of Gästgiveriet Gårdsten whereas the heritage values connected to social-cultural meaning probably will increase. This led to a suggestion of the restoration where the wishes of the future users of the object where prioritized. To value heritage in only a scientific way is very limited when it comes to relocation of buildings. In these situations there is a great need to develop new ways of thinking about heritage more related to the creation of social-cultural meaning.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program
15 hp
Institutionen för kulturvård
Göteborgs universitet
Andreasson, Charlotte
relocation of buildings
ISSN 1101-3303