Group Development and Software Engineering Performance
Background: Empirical evidence regarding the connection between group development
(maturity) and the success of software development teams is lacking. Since software
development is primarily a product of team e ort that involves human interaction,
it is important to investigate the in
uence of group development on the performance of
software development teams.
Objective: The purpose of this research is to gain a qualitative and quantitative understanding
of how performance of software teams relates to group development. More
speci cally, the analysis of group maturity and its association with velocity and planning
e ectiveness is the objective of this research.
Method: The Group Development Questionnaire (GDQ) was given to four participating
work groups from company A to assess their group development levels. The work
groups' responses to the survey were checked for correlation with development velocity
and planning e ectiveness. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted
with 16 individuals to explore issues about their group maturity and to increase the
validity of our ndings.
Results: The group maturity measurement had a strong association with the planning
e ectiveness measurement and showed a signi cant convergent validity, which means that
a more mature team is also a more e ective one in planning its requirements. On the
other hand, the correlation results between group development and velocity showed no
convergent validity, i.e, the group maturity is not related to the velocity of work groups
in accomplishing tasks.
Conclusion: We conclude that the dynamics within software development teams relate
to their ability to deliver the expected outcome as planned, but does not relate to their
ability to work faster.
Student essay