Constructive Research Study of Location-Proximity Privacy-Preserving Algorithm Capabilities as Part of a Mobile Application
Location Based Services (LBS) have been responsible
for several privacy breaches of their users in recent years
and a number of researchers have put forward solutions towards
making LBS more secure in regards to user location privacy.
However, the proposed protocols were rarely tested in real
conditions. This research study will create an artifact, an Android
application that implements one of the state-of-the-art protocols
for location privacy preservation, and test its performance to
determine if the state of the protocols is at a stage where it can
be implemented in real world applications. We have found that
the performance of our artifact in short distances is comparable
to real applications as it took 5 seconds to check proximity
between users in 25 meter radius. However, the computation
time increases drastically with increase in radius values and
the protocol took 72 seconds to check proximity for 100 meter
radius. Such time frames are insufficient as we believe most
users are not willing to wait so long for an application to
process their requests. Therefore we were unable to show that
the state-of-the-art location privacy-preserving algorithms are
ready for adaptation in real world applications, although certain
modifications to coordinate precision could correct that.
Student essay
Stirbys, Simonas
Abu Nabah, Omar