BLANKOUT by Vague Research Studios
Object part of Luciano Benetton Collection, and published in Imago Mundi, Archive of Visions and Actions Contemporary Art from Sweden
Beskrivning av projektet
Art object, publication and part of collection.
Power is unequally shared in the world, one in four people live without electricity. Art and art production is therefore not only a question of choice but a question of power.
Vague Research Studios is an artistic research studio specializing in material as technology/culture and in performativity and performance in public space. Our practice is socially engaged and emerges out of everyday life where collective methods, feministic and trans-disciplinary approaches are used in the fields of visual art, design, pedagogy and material technologies.
Typ av arbete
Object/technology/painting, blackboard paint, staples, drawing chalk, copper wire, led-lights, the absence of electricity
Offentliggjord i
Published in the book Imago Mundi, Archive of Visions and Actions Contemporary Art from Sweden Exhibition: MAP OF THE NEW ART, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice Italy, September 1 - November 1, 2015 Part of the Luciano Benetton Collection
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Övrig beskrivning
An extraordinary collection that brings together the works of 200 Swedish artists united in the name of creativity and commitment. Artists from the older generations, modernists, postmodernists and young activists but, also, those grew up or began their artistic activity in other parts of the world and have found a new home in Sweden. A brave collection that, with energy and generosity, and in the name of equality, participation and freedom, also embraces thorny issues like the lack of equal rights, the ecological challenge, loneliness, alienation. In perfect harmony with the culture of a country that has always advanced in the direction of wellbeing, social security, the creation of a strong sense of community.
Eriksson, Kajsa G.
artistic work