Kandidatuppsatser i finansiell ekonomi: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 101-120 av 135
Can Vice be Vindicated? Examining a potential value premium in vice stocks using Fama and MacBeth regressions - a comparison across three different factor models
(2018-07-12)In this paper, we examine a 30-year period to find whether vice (defined as operations in the alcohol, tobacco, gambling, adult services, and weapons and defense industries) plays a role in determining returns of individual ... -
Första-Fjärde AP-fonden: Riskjusterad avkastning och risk 2001-2017
(2018-07-11)The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the four Swedish public pension funds AP1-4 contribute to the stability of the pension system by evaluating their mandate as formulated in the law. The thesis contributes ... -
Investing in Sustainable Stocks - An Empirical Evaluation of Large Public Companies in Sweden
(2018-07-09)This thesis investigates if investing in a sustainable index yields higher risk-adjusted returns than investing in an ordinary index. Return data from the Swedish stock index OMXS30 was collected, spanning the period ... -
When there are not enough Baskets to put your Eggs in- A Study of a Sample Bank Bond Portfolio on the Swedish Interbank-market
(2018-07-09)This thesis explores the Swedish interbank-market, with empirical material from a sample bank, by conducting a qualitative interview as well as modelling probabilities of defaults in the sample bank bond portfolio. From ... -
DOES BITCOIN MAKE SWEDES SHARP(E)? An empirical study of the effect on riskadjusted return when including Bitcoin in the average Swedish investor´s portfolio
(2018-07-05)Globalization causes domestic markets to become increasingly correlated, making it harder for investors to find instruments for diversification. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has shown spectacular returns and drawn great ... -
The Relationship Between Environmental, Social and Governance Factors and Firm Performance. A Study Performed on the Swedish Stock Market
(2018-07-05)This thesis investigates the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and firm performance on the Swedish stock market over the years 2013-2017. Using the traditional Carhart’s four-factor ... -
An analysis of the usage of preferred stock in Sweden
(2018-06-29)This paper aims to explain why the few issuers of preferred stock in Sweden have chosen to issue this historically unpopular instrument. We examine characteristics of the issuers of preferred stock related to two possible ... -
What drives the price development of cryptocurrencies? An empirical study of the cryptocurrency market.
(2018-06-27)The novelty, the rapid growth rate and the high volatility of cryptocurrencies have led to great uncertainty without any consensus on whether cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange or a speculative investment. This uncertainty ... -
Market Reactions to Hedge Fund Activism in Europe - An Empirical Study
(2018-06-26)Activism is on the rise in Europe. In recent years, hedge funds have begun to target firms across the continent with the intent of generating profits through exercising shareholder rights to prompt change and address ... -
Hållbarhetsredovisning inom den svenska banksektorn -En innehållsanalys av hållbarhetsredovisning om mångfald och jämställdhet inom banksektorn
(2018-02-22)Bakgrund: Tryck från omvärlden har bidragit till ökat fokus hos banksektorn i fråga om mångfald och jämställdhet. Efterfrågan på information har lett till att publiceringen av hållbarhetsrapporter har eskalerat. Banker ... -
Socially Irresponsible Investment In The United States
(2017-08-22)In this thesis, we provide evidence on the performance of an unethical investment strategy during the 21st-century. We examine publicly traded US companies engage in one of these five industries; gambling, oil/gas, alcohol, ... -
Underpricing and actual return in IPOs
(2017-08-18)In IPOs, both the firm and its underwriter might have incentives to underprice the shares. This has caused a perception that investing in IPOs is an easy way to achieve abnormal returns. According to an article published ... -
Credit Spread Changes in the Euro Area - An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Interest Rates and Credit Spreads in the Euro-denominated Corporate Bond Market
(2017-07-07)The behaviour of credit spreads is of importance for a wide array of stakeholders. We test the relationship between changes in risk-free interest rates and credit spreads in European bond market by running OLS regressions ... -
Stjärntydning - En undersökning av riskaversionsnivåns påverkan på Morningstar Rating och dess konsekvenser för individuella småsparare
(2017-07-05)This paper investigates whether Morningstar Rating assesses the historical risk of mutual funds in an accurate way with respect to retail investors’ level of risk aversion, or if a higher utility could be reached if the ... -
Genererar fonder med prestationsavgifter bättre avkastning? En empirisk studie på den svenska fondmarknaden.
(2017-07-05)This paper investigates how asymmetric performance fees affect the performance and risk-taking of mutual funds in the Swedish market between 2012–2016. From our findings we cannot conclude that performance fees induce fund ... -
Application of the Kelly Criterion on a Self-Financing Trading Portfolio -An empirical study on the Swedish stock market from 2005-2015
(2017-07-05)A Kelly strategy theoretically optimizes the growth rate of investor’s capital. This paper evaluates its usefulness on the Swedish stock market between 2005 and 2015 by comparing returns to that of common portfolio strategies ... -
Skäller hundarna högt i Sverige? En undersökning av Dogs of the Dow-strategin på den svenska aktiemarknaden
(2017-07-04)The aim of this study is to re-examine the performance of the investment strategy proposed by John Slatter in 1988 called Dogs of the Dow on the Swedish stock market. The investment strategy of picking the 10 stocks with ... -
En empirisk studie om processen bakom ett outsourcingbeslut
(2017-07-04)This thesis examines how Swedish banks measure risks associated with outsourcing and how they weigh it against expected profit. It also discusses the benefits and disadvantages of outsourcing and investigates how banks ... -
Asymmetriska relationer mellan kunder och finansiella rådgivare. En studie av hur kunders finansiella kunskapsnivåer påverkar relationen och hur MiFID II avser att hantera asymmetriproblematiken
(2017-07-04)Both demand and supply of financial advice are increasing because of the complexity of financial products and people’s difficulty in making economic decisions. Previous research has identified asymmetries between customers ... -
(2017-07-03)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the performance of Swedish mutual equity funds that primarily invest in either the Swedish or the U.S. market. Complementing prior research, we emphasis the relative performance ...