Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 161-180 av 787
Pedagogisk takt i betygssamtal
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-12-18)This thesis aims to explore how grades are explained and understood in grade conferences between teachers and students in Swedish upper secondary school. The empirical material is based on 149 video-recorded conferences ... -
What is going on out there? - What does it mean for children's experiences when the kindergarten is moving their everyday activities into the nature - landscapes and its places
(2014-11-21)How we understand the practice of learning in nature-landscapes and places is relevant to contemporary environmental arenas, both in the context of international agendas and as an agenda for Nordic kindergartens where ... -
Att lyckas i skolan. Om skolprestationer och kön i olika undervisningspraktiker
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014) -
Idrotten sätter agendan. En studie av Riksidrottsgymnasietränares handlande utifrån sitt dubbla uppdrag
(2014-11-14)This study aims to describe and analyse the actions of the school coaches at the National sport upper secondary schools in light of the conditions that govern and shape the activities at those schools. The theoretical ... -
Vaghet och vanmakt – 20 år med kunskapskrav i den svenska skolan.
(2014-10-30)This thesis poses three questions about the Swedish national knowledge requirements, which have been in place in Swedish schools since 1994: How do teachers understand them? How do members of parliament understand ... -
Skrivundervisning i gymnasieskolan. Svenskämnets roll i den sociala reproduktionen.
(2014-10-23)Abstract Title: Teaching writing in upper secondary school. The role of the Swedish subject in social reproduction. Author: Pernilla Andersson Varga Language: Swedish with an English summary ISBN: 978-91-7346-803-9 ... -
Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter - sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori
(2014-10-17)Coaches power over athletes in team sports – As seen from French and Ravens theory of power bases. Keywords:team sports, coaching, social power, coaching effectiveness, structural equations modeling. The coach has a central ... -
Formulating knowledge: Engaging with issues of sustainable development through academic writing in engineering education
(2014-10-09)Given that knowledge in society is increasingly shaped by textuality and dependent on texts, higher education holds a special responsibility for introducing and guiding students into text practices contingent on disciplinary ... -
Le Temps fait tout à l’affaire. Conscience de mort et stratégie de vie chez Molière.
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014) -
Dimensionality and Predictive validity of school grades: The relative influence of cognitive and social-behavioral aspects
(2014-09-12)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the relative influence of cognitive and social-behavioral aspects on compulsory school grades and the importance of the different dimensions for the predictive validity of grades. ... -
Idrottsprofilerad utbildning - i spåren av en avreglerad skola
(2014-08-29)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Swedish school sports system, a system which has evolved since the beginning of the 1970s, the prevalence of which has increased significantly at all school ... -
Språkanvändningens funktion vid utveckling av kunskap om objekt
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2003-06) -
Möte med multimodalt material. Vilken roll spelar dyslexi för uppfattandet av text och bild?
(2014-05-28)The aim of the thesis is to describe how two different groups of respondents, with and without dyslexia, experience and reproduce information from text and images compared with text only, and whether and in what way ... -
Project work, independence and critical thinking
(2014-05-22)This thesis studies how students do projects in a Swedish upper secondary school. The students have to produce products and at the same time prove them self as independent in relation to the teachers, and negotiate the ... -
The Invisible Tools of a Timber Framer - A survey of principles, situations and procedures for marking
(2014-05-12)My thesis focuses on the marking procedures when building timber frames, from the idea of a construction to the cutting of the timbers. The marking procedures are essential parts of the building process, and without markings ... -
”den Andre” i lärarutbildningen – En studie om den rasifierade svenska studentens villkor i globaliseringens tid
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-04-04)Abstract Title: ”the Other” in teacher education – A study of the racialized Swedish student’s conditions in the era of globalization Language: Swedish with a summary in English Author: Zahra Bayati ISBN: 978-91-7346-787-2 ... -
Lärares arbetsglädje : Betydelsen av emotionell närvaro i det pedagogiska arbetet
(2014-03-19)This thesis aims to explore teachers’ ‘work enjoyment’ and thereby deepening our understanding of teachers’ work and professionality. Positive emotions in teachers’ work are an underestimated and under-researched dimension ... -
Kunskaper som byggde folkhemmet : En fallstudie av förutsättningar för lärande vid teknikskiften inom processindustrin
(2014-03-19)Bostaden har en central roll i människors liv och bostadsbyggande är en viktig samhällsangelägenhet. Under de senaste hundra åren har kunskaper, tekniker och arbetsorganisation i byggindustrin utvecklats. Nya byggmaterial ... -
Television and food in the lives of young children
(2014-03-13)Several mechanisms have been proposed behind the associations between screens and overweight including sedentary behaviour, eating while viewing, and exposure to commercials. Aspects of this association as underlying social ...