Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 787
Theodore Metochites on the Human Condition and the Decline of Rome Semeioseis gnomikai 27–60
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis / Kriterium, 2016-12-28)A critical edition, with English translation and notes, of chapters 27–60 of the Semeioseis gnomikai (“Sententious notes”), a collection of 120 essays by the Byzantine statesman and scholar Theodore Metochites (1270–1332). The ... -
Vad möjliggör och begränsar en hållbar elitfriidrott? Aktionsforskning i elitidrottspraktiker inom Göteborgs friidrottsförbund
(2020-11-20)In athletics, there are few strategies for detecting and managing ill health and poor well-being. New innovative collaborations are needed for coaches to meet the challenge of promoting health and creating well-being among ... -
Explorations of the Relationship Between the right to Make Decisions and Moral Responsibility in Healthcare
(2020-11-18)People intuitively think that there is a strong connection between having a right to make decisions and to be morally responsible for those decisions. This thesis explores the relationship between these notions in the ... -
Kontextuell analys - En forskningsmetodologi och forskningsansats
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2020) -
Samtal om undervisning i naturvetenskap - Ämnesdidaktisk kollegial utveckling i lärarutbildning och lärarprofession
(2020-08-28)The overall aim in this thesis is to explore professional conversations about science teaching experiences, both in an educational setting with student teachers, and in a local professional development project with a science ... -
The concept concept in mathematics education: A concept analysis
(2020-08-21)The notion concept is used in different ways within the field of mathematics education. The aim of this study is to carry out a concept analysis of the notion concept, within some frequently used frameworks describing ... -
Det frivillige fartøyvernet i Noreg - Historisk bakgrunn, omfang og motivasjon
(2020-06-03)Voluntary Ship Preservation in Norway: — Historical Background, Scope and Motivation Introduction: Today historic ships are recognised and publicly valued as an important part of Nor-way’s cultural heritage, with ... -
Val-omröstning-styrning. En etnografisk studie om intentioner med, villkor för och utfall av barns inflytande i förskolan
(2020-05-04)This thesis takes its point of departure in an interest in exploring how children’s participation is expressed in policy texts as well as in preschool practice. Participation can be viewed as a discourse of considerable ... -
Reconfiguring Environmental Sustainability in Early Childhood Education: a Post-anthropocentric Approach
(2020-04-01)The purpose of this dissertation is twofold. First, it explores how the notion of sustainability is conceptualized within early childhood education discourses and how it is manifested in early childhood curricula. Second, ... -
Didactical Considerations in the Digitalized Classroom
(2020-03-24)The interest in this doctoral thesis is how information and communication technologies (ICT) impact on classroom interaction and may challenge and transform teaching and learning. A reason for considering this as a field ... -
Management regimes for lawns and hedges in historic gardens
(2020-02-26)Management regimes for lawns and hedges in historic gardens This research investigates and compares eighteenth-century and contemporary garden management methods with a focus on the structural elements of lawns and hedges ... -
Att urskilja grafiska aspekter av derivata – hur elevernas möjligheter påverkas av innehållets behandling i undervisningen
(2020-02-19)The aim of this thesis is to investigate in what ways students’ opportunities to discern graphical aspects of the concept of derivative can be related to the design of instruction. The thesis is based on two empirical ... -
The professional preschool teacher under conditions of change – Competence and intentions in pedagogical practices.
(2020-02-07)This thesis explores the relationship between preschool teachers’ professional competence and their pedagogical practices. Specifically, preschool teachers’ considerations on two pedagogical practices are studied: (i) ... -
Teachers meeting the challenges of the Swedish school system. Agents within boundaries
(2020-02-06)There are many factors that may contribute to explaining variation in teacher quality, which is the key to the schools’ success. These factors include not only teacher characteristics, but also conditions of the teachers’ ... -
Planteringar vid järnvägen. Funktion och organisation under stambanornas första tid
(Göteborgs universitet, 2020)I den här licentiatuppsatsen undersöks planteringar vid de första stambanorna i Sverige mellan åren 1855–1875. När järnvägar för persontrafik började byggas i mitten av 1800-talet innebar de en stor förändring av ... -
Estetiska erfarenheter i naturmöten. En fenomenologisk studie av upplevelser av skog, växtlighet och undervisning
(2020-01-08)In a period of accelerated environmental change, a focus on how humans build embodied relationships with the more-than-human world is a critical arena for pedagogical work. The aim of this thesis is to elucidate people’s ... -
Romanistiken i Sverige – Tradition och förnyelse
(2019)De s.k. romanska språken är de indoeuropeiska språk som har sitt ursprung i latinet. ”Romanska språk” är även beteckningen på den akademiska disciplin i vilken de romanska språken och litteraturen från de romanska språkområdena ... -
Designing for learning and knowing: Nurses in chronic care and patients' self-monitoring data
(2019-11-06)This thesis focuses on nurses’ work practice in chronic care and their learning and knowing in relation to their patients’ self-monitoring data. It is anticipated that self-monitoring data used as a support for healthcare ... -
Feedback and instructional guidance in healthcare simulation debriefings
(2019-10-25)The overall interest of the thesis concerns how students reflect upon and provide feedback on their own performance under the guidance of teachers. This interest is explored in the context of debriefing conversations that ... -
Unpacking dominant discourses in higher education language policy
(2019-09-06)The overall purpose of the thesis is to investigate dominant discourses operating in the changing of HE concerning questions of language policy. It has been studied at a national level, analysing reports and government ...