Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 341-360 av 443
Teaching systems of linear equations in Sweden and China: What is made possible to learn?
(2008)A starting point for this study was an aim to understand better the relationbetween teaching and learning of mathematics. This interest was based onthe assumption that what is possible for students to learn about mathematicsmust ... -
Relationer i skolan : en studie av feminiteter och maskuliniteter i år 9
(2008)This thesis aims to explore the range of femininities and masculinities that emerge among pupils in school. It also aims to examine local variations in gender pattern in two secondary school classes. For the project, ... -
Barns multimediala berättande. En länk mellan mediakultur och pedagogisk praktik
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2007) -
Meningsskaping i barnehagen. Innhold og bruk av barns og voksnes samtalefortellinger
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2007) -
Lärarkulturer och professionskoder. En komparativ studie av idrottslärare i Sverige och Grekland
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006)The present study focuses on the professional codes of physical education (PE) teachers in Swedish and Greek compulsory schools. Professional codes can be defined as rules that govern teachers’ constructions of discourses ...