JMG Department of Journalism, Media and Communication/ Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation
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ISSN 1101-4679
Recent Submissions
Us Versus Them and the Role of the Media. The Influence of Media on Attitudes Toward Migration in Europe
(2021-11-02)During the last decade, migration has become one of the most salient and politicized issues in Europe, and even more so during and after the sharp rise in immigration in 2015. This issue appears to have consolidated a ... -
Under the influence? Understanding media’s coverage of opinion polls and their effects on citizens and politicians
(2021-01-14)News media’s use of horse race polls is a defining feature of contemporary political reporting. This thesis investigates how the news media use these opinion polls and how this coverage can influence two of the most central ... -
Media Echo Chambers: Selective Exposure and Confirmation Bias in Media Use, and its Consequences for Political Polarization
(2020-12-17)The new digital media landscape has created a high-choice media environment that has made it easier for people to find news and information that support their political beliefs and attitudes, and avoid news and information ... -
Being political in the media – Political identities in journalistic and Twitter discourse
(2019-08-30)This thesis is about the role of media discourse in shaping the political identities of those who want to be heard in public. The ways in which people are able to speak, know, and feel in political situations have important ... -
#InFlux. Journalists’ adoption of social media and journalists’ social roles
(2019-08-16)#InFlux investigates journalists’ adoption of social media and social network sites (SNS) from the theoretical perspective of journalistic roles. It shows how the social roles of journalists are situated along the axes of ... -
The private life of a nation in crisis: A study on the politics in / of Greek television fiction
(2018-10-24)The private life of a nation in crisis offers in-depth studies of the fictional reconstruction and negotiation of moments of heightened societal tension that take place throughout the life of a nation. Its constituent ... -
FASHIONABLE POLITICS The discursive construction of ethical consumerism in corporate communications, news media, and social media
(2018-09-14)This thesis investigates the discursive construction of ethical consumerism – a notion that encompasses both ‘conscious’ consumption choices and responsible’ corporate activities – in mediated discourses about fashion and ... -
Battling the 'Invisible Nets'. Gender in the fields of journalism in sub-Saharan Africa
(2017-05-04)Battling the ‘invisible nets’ studies journalism as a gendered practice in sub-Saharan Africa. This thesis analyses the gender logic in the field of journalism by examining how structures of gender, class and race interact ... -
Bruised by the Invisible Hand. A critical examination of journalistic representations and the naturalization of neoliberal ideology in times of Industrial crisis.
(2016-09-12)Abstract This dissertation revolves around questions that are central to the field of media and journalism research, questions about journalism and ideology, about journalistic agency and autonomy, and the room for maneuver ... -
Räkna med kvinnor Global Media Monitoring Project 2015. Nationell rapport Sverige.
(Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation (JMG), 2015-12-18)Nyheter handlar om att välja. Fortfarande väljs kvinnor bort. Kvinnor utgör halva världens befolkning men syns bara i en knapp fjärdedel av nyhetsflödet. I Sverige går det två män på varje kvinna i nyheterna. På fem år ... -
En introduktion till logistisk regressionsanalys
(Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, 2010) -
Kvinnor, män och nyheter i televisionen. En innehållsstudie av ämnen och källor under 45 år
(Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation, 2009) -
Terrorattackerna i USA. Sveriges Radios rapportering om den 11 september 2001
(Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation, 2009) -
Personer med invandrarbakgrund i SVTs nyhetsprogram. En innehållsanalys av Rapport, Aktuellt, Sportnytt och Kulturnyheterna 2001
(Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation, 2009)