Trädgården och dess mästare 1850-1950. En kulturhistorisk undersökning av trädgården på Ryholm gods
The Garden and the Garderners 1850-1950. An Examination of the Cultural Garden Heritage at Ryholms Mansion
Ryholms mansion is situated nearby the lake Viken, which is a part of the famous Gota Canal in the southwest of Sweden. Ryholm has a long history back to the sixteenth century and today the mansion is a place for hotel- and conferences with focus on hunting and fishing. For a future restoration, reconstruction or a reestablishment of a part in the garden of Ryholms mansion, there is a need of a cultural heritage examination and this has been one of the intentions and goals for this essay. The questions are:
- What garden cultures grown and changed over time range?
- Were cultivated areas changed over time and where different cultures were grown?
- What gardeners and owners have been operating on Ryholm 1850-1950 and it is
possible to link changes in the garden to different owners?
The delimitation of this work has been the grounds nearby the manor with focus on the horticulture and the gardeners during the period of 1850 to 1950. Method and material are interviews and conversations, archives- and literature studies, historical maps and photos and studies at the place.
The examination concentrates on the owners, cultivated areas, horticultural way of growing and garden cultures and the gardeners during the period. The results shows on very little difference in cultivated areas and what garden cultures grown over time range. The cultivation of grapes, especially Frankenthaler, is one of the cultures that still grown in the end of the 1940’s. Especially one of the owners, the Bergendahl’s (1853-1907), has affected the garden with an extensive change and cultivation and after this period the garden simplifies gradually. In the twentieth century a part of the garden became a nursery. During 1850 to 1950 there have been twelve different gardeners, most of them stayed between two to three years, but three of the gardeners stayed a much longer period. They
had help in the garden by some garden students or garden workers.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Trädgårdens och landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2016
Svensson, Åsa
cultural heritage