Utemiljön vid mentalsjukhus Betydelse, förändring och bevarande
The outdoor enviroment at mental hospitals – meaning, alternation and conservation.
The primary purpose of this study is to examine mental hospitals historic connection to its park and green areas and how the outdoor environment at former mental hospitals is protected and valued in current urban planning. By studying how these environments, and their use, the goal is to determine how they has changed since the closure of their initial function. The study was conducted in April, Maj and August 2016 and consisted of a qualitative literature and research study. Literature studies has been used as a method for analysis of mental healthcare history and ideology with focus on the exterior environment.
The source material regarding mental hospitals in Sweden is extensive, there is a broad literature- and archive material. The study is affected by the considerations and choices regarding sources included in the survey. The subjects of the survey consist of case studies concerning three former mental hospitals: S:t Jörgens hospital, S:t Lars hospital and Beckomberga hospital.
The study questions mental hospitals parkland and green spaces impact to represent events and ideologies of mental healthcare history and shows that light, nature and fresh air is one of the main origin for these environments location and design. Based on the examined case studies combined with historical affinity the thesis questions and then discuss the consequences of change when exploitation occurs. New constructions mainly take place in parks, green areas and former farmland. Changes in the spatial space can affect the understanding of the environments historical context. Mental hospitals design and placement with hierarchical and symmetrical plans with accompanying parks and green space reflects different prevailing ideologies goal to prevent and care to heal mental illness.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program
15 hp
Institutionen för kulturvård
Göteborgs universitet
Kjellström, Emmelie
Mental hospitals
hospital grounds
cultural heritage
ISSN 1101-3303