Digital kartering som dokumentations- och kommunikationsverktyg inom konservering i Sverige
Digital mapping as a documentation- and communication tool focusing on conservation in Sweden
Many conservators believe that their documentation of the work that has been done does
not reach the antiquarian/preservation consultant or responsible projector. There is also a
question whether the documentation is intelligible enough. The aim of this paper is to
investigate how digital mapping is used and practiced when documenting work of
conservation of architectural material in Sweden. The aim is also to find out whether it has
any advantages as a descriptive tool. The main questions are what involved agents within
the area think of an increased use, if it facilitates the communication of the work that has
been done between conservators and readers of the documentation and what its
reviewers think about its potential use in the future. !
The study was carried out through literature studies and qualitative interviews with nine
agents within the field, two to three informants which had experience of digital mapping
were selected from each profession: conservators, antiquarians, restoration architects and
government/client. The collected material was then compared and analyzed to obtain
answers and conclusions. !
Digital mapping seems to have a few restricted users in Sweden. Its use is not yet
economically feasible since its agent is in need of a lot time for learning the process,
keeping updated about new software and instruments together with planning and time for
the actual formation of it. Therefore, conservators would like tools and software that are
easy to use with a restricted number of functions that in the end is more effective. The
readers are of the opinion that digital mapping is easy to understand, has the potential to
give more exact details of where and to what extent performed interventions are made
and what materials were used. The choice of equipment and software also must be
adapted to the project, its aim and needs and not because of technical skills. If so, digital
mapping and also other graphic techniques within documentation could have the potential
to strengthen the conservators authority and expertise
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet
15 hp
Institutionen för kulturvård
Göteborgs universitet !
Jansson, Josefin
digital mapping
documentation of conservation
architectural material
ISSN 1101-3303