“Bussessivo” is an exhibition how stability dominates most structures of meaning without necessarily offering more complex, more meaningful and more significant or more reliable experiences.
Beskrivning av projektet
“Bussessivo” is an exhibition how stability dominates most structures of meaning without necessarily offering more complex, more meaningful and more significant or more reliable experiences. Bussessivo explores the tension between the importance of making sense and producing meaning, and less straight-forward modes of making meaning such as obsession and fortune telling.
Bussessivo makes this approach by presenting a sound-installation where two voices utter two slightly different words. Those words are Obssessive and Bussessivo (un-translatable Portuguese neologism created by contracting the words compass (bússola) and obsessive (obsessivo)).
The utterance of the words evoke a real-event were the artist visited a fortune teller. The artist was told that it was the time to be Bussessivo. Unfamiliar with the term, the artist went on a fruitless linguistic search for 4 years, until he decided to visit the fortune teller again in order to ask about the meaning of the word Bussessivo. The fortune teller had no idea about it. It was until the moment she told the artist he could stop being Obsessive that he understood the perception glitch.
The voices in the installation are of the artist (saying Bussessivo) and the fortune teller (saying Obsessive).
Typ av arbete
Art exhibition
Offentliggjord i
Sput&Nik the window (Porto, Portugal)
Länk till verkets webbplats
Alves, André
sound art
artistic work