REGN (RAIN) – A Performative Exploration Towards an Ecology and Pedagogy of Trust
Conference presentation: REGN (RAIN) – A Performative Exploration Towards an Ecology and Pedagogy of Trust at the session Climate Change Pedagogy: Literature, Arts, Interdisciplinary, Action (ASLE Session) seminar in Hartford.
Beskrivning av projektet
REGN (RAIN) – A Performative Exploration Towards an Ecology and Pedagogy of Trust
by Kajsa G. Eriksson & Fredric Gunve , Art Teachers Program at HDK – School of Design & Crafts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
REGN (RAIN) is an art based research project that includes performance, workshops, readings, artefacts and an artist´s book with 44 printed cards. Through the telling of a mythic story about adaptation to the environmental disaster of climate change, and the eternal evolution of natureculture, performative rain intra-acts with everyday life (Barad, 2003). The project began as a performance piece during a two-month artist-in-residence spent in Dalsland, a rural region of Sweden. We propose to introduce the story and surrounding materials of REGN (RAIN), in a seminar, as part of the Climate Change Pedagogy: Literature, Arts, Interdisciplinary, Action (ASLE Session) seminar in Hartford.
The rain that falls in REGN (RAIN) is not a moral rain, but a rain that encroaches into every detail of life. This performative explorative method embeds and embodies sustainability as survival tactics. As research based artists and educators we have, through the artistic method “performing exploration”, found a way of meshing lived experience and the creation of a story of rain, a world where it never stops raining (Eriksson, 2010). By living inside the work, we aim to create the sensual understanding and experience of present and future climate change. We situate REGN (RAIN) in a context of art as one of differences, living differences and making differences. We speculate that a pedagogy of trust can be part of an ecology of trust. Beyond the use of a methodology of Un/folding, that endlessly divides, and “living inquiry” in our Artmaking/Research/Teaching, we believe a pedagogy of trust requires an “onto-ethico-epistemology” (Deleuze, 1993)(Springay, 2008)(Barad, 2007). In a seminar we would like to share, discuss and explore different didactics and pedagogies to develop this further. In teaching, how is trust to be worked with and enhanced? Could experiences that arise from the exhibition and teaching of REGN (RAIN) act as an inspiration for the development of a pedagogy that responds to the process of climate change? We introduce this EduClimaArt project with the aim to develop a pedagogy of trust in the expanding field of environmental engagements that involve both art and teaching.
Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Durham: Duke University Press.
Barad, K. (2003). Posthumanist Performativity: Toward and Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol.28; nr.3
Deleuze, G. (1993). The Fold: Leibniz and the baroque. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Eriksson, Kajsa G. (2010). Concrete Fashion: Dress, Art, and Engagement in Public Space. Göteborg: HDK, School of Design and Crafts, Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg
Springgay, S. (2008). Body Knowledge and Curriculum: Pedagogies of Touch in Youth and Visual Culture. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Typ av arbete
Conference presentation, abstract
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The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Hartford CT, USA 2016, at the session Climate Change Pedagogy: Literature, Arts, Interdisciplinary, Action (ASLE Session).
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Eriksson, Kajsa G.
Gunve, Fredric
artistic work