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dc.contributor.authorPersson, Eva-Mariesv
dc.description.abstractThis paper seeks to examine what the fundamental didactic and neurological aspects which are important to be aware of when students experience a subject that is difficult to learn. The main subjects are mathematics and natural sciences (naturkunskap). Naturkunskap is an interdisciplinary subject of the sciences which only scratches the surface of its components. This paper also aims to analyze whether a combined teaching of the two subjects can enhance the learning. Given that students dont always see the relevace of these two subjects at the programs where they are held, and students dont always see the use for them, its interesting to study these two questions together. Peer reviewed research is mainly used as references but also some literature that is relevant in the matter. At the end of the paper a number of lesson plans are included where the results of the paper have been taken into account and included as much as possible. It turns out that neuroscience has many doors to open when it comes to understand cognitive thinking. Research in neuroscience can in particular answer the question ’why is it crucial to eliminate emotions of fear to be able to learn?’. The combination of two subjects that helps students relate to their everyday life or the nature around them will, according to the results, enhance the learning and strengthen the link to reality. The students will easier see the importance of the subjects in their lives and for the society instead of as isolated knowledge you only learn in
dc.titleKombinera Naturkunskap och Matematik?sv
dc.type.degreeStudent essaysv

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