Konsten som (för)gör mig – Att bli till genom ekfrasen i Tove Janssons verk
The art that (un)does me – Becoming through ekphrasis in Tove Jansson's work
In my thesis I argue that the creating of one's identity through art and through the expression of art, with ekphrasis and existentialist philosophy as windows, is possible. Tove Jansson's novel Pappan och havet is filled with existential angst, the characters are in a desperate search of affiliation. Art acts as a salvation or a damnation for the characters. Specifically for Muminmamma, the creation of art becomes the salvation she seeks. Several works by Jansson show this tendency, where art is as much a part of the story as the characters and their self-realization. The selection of works for this paper, Pappan och havet, two short stories from the collection Lyssnerskan and the fictional autobiography Bildhuggarens dotter clearly demonstrate the pattern that I emphasize. Self-realization and identity fit well together with Jansson's existential works and artistic
expression. In this way ekphrasis – the verbal description of a work of art – in Jansson's work will be a focus point in the search for the connection between art and becoming. Besides ekphrasis as the central tool I will use Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy as a way to explain the movement between art and becoming. Beauvoir's existentialist philosophy will show the growth and/or development of the identity of the characters. I believe that ekphrasis and contemplation surrounding the artwork can be used as a tool to describe this aspect between identity and art.
Student essay
Alarcón, Meri
Tove Janssons
Tove Jansson
Simone de Beauvoir
att skapa sig själv
creating the self
Simone de Beauvoir