Regulation of ASK3 inactivation under hyperosmotic stress
Regulation of ASK3 inactivation under hyperosmotic stress
Background: Hypertension today is common and a great risk factor for cardiovascular disease
(CVD). WHO states that more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. This
project focuses on the regulation of apoptosis signal regulating kinase 3 also known as ASK3,
which has been observed to regulate blood pressure in the kidney. To clarify the regulatory
mechanism of ASK3 activity is important for the development of new drugs against hypertension. It
has been suggested that transient receptor potential cation channel, mucolipin (TRPML1), a non
selective cation channel, might be the upstream regulator of ASK3.
Objectives: To investigate whether TRPML1 is necessary for the regulation of ASK3 under
hyperosmotic stress through different laboratory techniques.
Methods: The research was conducted at The University of Tokyo, laboratory of cell signaling
during September to November 2016. To answer the research question many different laboratory
technics were used. Such as immunoblotting, immunostaining, immunoflourecense and cell
Results: One of the five experiments supported the hypothesis that TRPML1 would be the
upstream regulator of ASK3 under hyper osmotic stress. Another experiments gave negative results,
thus one could not draw the conclusion that TRPML1 is a regulator of ASK3. A TRPML1 KO cell
line was also established for further experiment in this field.
Conclusion: Three months is not enough to draw any conclusions regarding the regulation of ASK3
but the results showed some promise. The experiments needs to be repeated and re-evaluated. The
experiment that gave negative results could be due to my short experience in the lab, so if done
Student essay
Hellberg Falguera, Shiobhán