Hamlingsmetoder. En jämförelse mellan traditionella och moderna beskärningsmetoder
Pollard methods - A comparison between traditional and modern pollard tree pruning techniques
There is a great difference between the traditional and modern methods when it comes to how pollard craftsmanship is executed. The pruning method plays a major role in the health of the tree and how the tree handles the loss of branches, this is something in the arboricultural is often considered to be true. This study has examined literature and performed interview studies about how the tree biology is affected by various cutting techniques. This study has focus on aspects that are believed to affect the tree's health in the long run, examples of such aspects is: choice of tools, accuracy at cutting positions and removal of branch-stubs. The study concluded that there are many other aspects that may be even more important for the tree's health than just the methods of how to remove branches. Age, lopping cycle and size of the cut surfaces considered to be very important aspects. Since the method for cutting branches does not play a decisive role for the tree's health, the choice of technique should be based on other aspects. Therefore, the purpose of the tree and the environment in which it must fit is important and should be considered when choosing tools and cutting techniques. This may be more important than choosing only one method that’s always used, just because it might be considered best for the tree. Therefore, in a historical environment as a wooded meadow there might be reasonable to break off branches, while in parks where aesthetics is more important the saw may be preferred.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot landskapsvård, 2017
Jangtorp, Emil