STADENS GÖMDA ARKITEKTUR Antikvarisk värdering och hantering av gårdsfasader kring förra sekelskiftet
Hidden architecture of the city – Heritage valuation and management of urban inner yards facades erected by the turn of the century ABSTRACT
The purpose of this study is to investigate inner yard facades on buildings erected by the turn of the century and try to understand its roll as a cultural heritage. The study will there after find out how it should be managed and valued from a building heritage point of view. The background is that the facade facing the inner yard today, is in general, being treated differently than the facade facing the street, since it is thought to be less sensitive to exterior changes. This study examines the factors that has shaped today’s view by investigating past ideals, past approaches, historic laws and building regulations, followed by an overlook of the current situation in the heritage sector with comments and opinions from people in the profession. Four different facades from the time period has been documented to demonstrate in an illustrative way, how different types of managing can result in different valuations. The study has showed that inner yard facades has been excluded from building regulations and laws since the 14th century and are not mentioned first until the 1930’s, which has benefited different managing. In the second half of the 19th century, due to the splitting of social groups in society, the degrading view of the inner yard facades were strengthened and therefore given a simple and functional architecture. The two main factors that created this view, and also provide the basis for today’s view, is one, the unexposed state, and two, the simple architecture. To manage and value these facades from a cultural heritage point of view, the study has resulted in guidelines: preserve the original design and use coloring and materials that are appropriate for the building and the time period. In summary, inner yard facades are able to change to a greater extent than facades facing the street but with certain restrictions so that cultural values does not go to waste.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet 2017, 180 hp
Johansson, Felix
inner yard facade
ISSN 1101-3303