dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the common identity and the conditions for the implementation of Full-time labour policies in three different municipalities (Hofors, Falu and Lerum) in Sweden. This issue is important since the increasing demands imposed by the right of employees to have Full-Time labour rates requires from the municipalities affected to undertake significant changes in order to make such labour rates available, affecting and even modifying the organization structure and culture. To carry out the goals set in this thesis we used data collected from policies, project plans, final reports, interviews and questionnaires. Afterwards the data are integrated within our theoretical framework, Trave! of Ideas, in order to apply to it our analytical tool: translation as a four phase process. Our conclusions were that the same idea adopted different translations. In Hofors the idea became the desired employment rate mode!. In Falu it became the full-time for everyone mode!. In Lerum, however, the translation attempted was not fully suited for the environment in which it should be implemented, resulting in present day delay. | sv |