Evaluation of suitable nursery areas for penaeid shrimps in shallow water systems in southern Mozambique
Tropical shallow water habitats such as estuaries, mangrove forests and seagrass beds are important nursery areas for juveniles of many commercially important species including penaeid shrimp. Penaeids are one of the most important fishery resources worldwide, and in Mozambique they are the basis of a profitable commercial fishery, landing hundreds of tons per year. Ecological knowledge concerning habitat use and factors driving the distribution and abundance of shrimp in nursery areas, and regarding the successful movement of juveniles from the nurseries to adult grounds, are critical to characterize productive nurseries for penaeid shrimp and provide important information for a sustainable management of their fishery. In this thesis I used a combination of stable isotope methods, ecotoxicology techniques and extensive field studies to assess feeding behaviour and factors affecting density and distribution of four shrimp species (Metapenaeus monoceros, M. stebbingi, Penaeus indicus and P. japonicus) in three estuaries (Espírito Santo, Maputo river and Incomati river) and two coastal marine areas (Bembe and Inhaca Island) in Maputo Bay, the second greatest shrimp fishing ground in Mozambique, to assess their values as nursery areas for the fishery.
Stable isotope analyses showed that the assessed shrimp species were mainly using seagrass beds and shallow sand and mud flats as feeding grounds, whereas only P. indicus appeared to also feed within the mangrove habitat. The analysis of metals concentration in shrimp showed no indication of elevated levels, and although levels for pesticides in the water exceed environmental thresholds in some of the nursery areas, only a localized effect of insecticides was detected in P. indicus in Espírito Santo estuary.
In Maputo Bay, juvenile shrimp were found to use many different types of coastal environments as nursery areas, including both estuarine and coastal marine areas, where different environmental and landscape factors appeared to control shrimp densities in seemingly similar nursery areas. Overall, the amount of benthic microalgae, turbidity and the extent of shallow water habitats appeared to be the most important factors explaining variation in shrimp density within and between nursery areas, whereas the extent of mangroves and contamination in the nursery areas was found to be less important. This caused the surprising results that the most exploited and contaminated nursery area, Espírito Santo estuary, showed the overall the highest abundance of juvenile shrimp. Taking all in consideration, productive mud- and sand flats, with or without fringing mangroves, appear to constitute key nursery habitats for penaeid shrimp in the study area, where the Bembe area, Espírito Santo and Maputo River estuaries were identified as the most important nursery areas for the dominant fishing ground of penaeid shrimp in Maputo Bay. This information could guide conservation and provide support for an ecosystem management approach of the shrimp fishery southern Mozambique.
I. de Abreu DC, Paula, J, Macia, A (2017) Tropical seascapes as feeding grounds for juvenile penaeid shrimps in southern Mozambique revealed using stable isotopes. Estuar Coast Shelf S. In press. Advanced online publication::doi::10.1016/j.ecss.2017.08.040 II. de Abreu DC, Vetina AA, Matsombe J, Conceição K, Verão C, Macia A and Moksnes P-O. Assessment of factors affecting juvenile penaeid shrimp distribution in nearshore nursery areas in Maputo Bay reveals substantial variation in habitat use. Manuscript. III. Sturve J, de Abreu DC, Gustavsson M and Moksnes P-O. Exposure and effects of pesticides and metals on penaeid shrimps in Maputo bay, Mozambique. Manuscript. IV. de Abreu DC, Abrantes KGS, Vetina AA, Matsombe J, Mabilana H, Macia A and Moksnes P-O. Penaeid shrimps movement from nursery areas to adult fishing grounds in southern Mozambique: A stable isotope approach. Manuscript.
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Department of Marine Sciences ; Institutionen för marina vetenskaper
Fredag den 27, oktober, 2017 kl. 10.00 i Hörsalen, Botanhuset, institutionen för marina vetenskaper, Carl Skottsbergs gata 22 B.
Datum för disputation
de Abreu, Daniela
Southeast Africa
Shallow water
Nursery ground value
Carbon and nitrogen isotopes
Acetyl cholinesterase
Butyryl cholinesterase
Doctoral thesis