From Sea to Society - Climate Change, Microbial Community Interactions and Assessing Climate Risk on Society
Unicellular organisms, microalgae and bacteria, less than one millimeter in size make the
world go round. Phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, for example, plays an inevitable role
contributing 50-85% to the world’s oxygen via photosynthesis. Bacteria, one of the first life
forms to appear on earth, are vital for nutrient cycling both in the terrestrial, limnetic and
marine ecosystems. Both phytoplankton and marine bacteria in addition form an important
foundation of marine food webs. The adversities of climate change loom large on the two, as
impacts at the level of primary production will most likely have a bottom up effect across the
different trophic levels. Warming of the earth system is proceeding at a rate that is
unprecedented, yet its effects on the world’s largest ecosystem, the marine pelagic realm, are
largely unknown. Using experimental approaches including mesocosm settings and geneexpression
analysis, this thesis aims to increase our understanding of climate-induced
processes in a costal pelagic tropical ecosystem in southwest coastal Arabian Sea. The results
show that sea surface warming and freshening is likely to cause an increase in the abundance
of phytoplankton in winter season. While in the summer, freshening of sea surface water can
be a leading cause for the increase in phytoplankton growth. The findings presented in this
thesis also highlight the tight coupling between phytoplankton and bacterial community. Any
impact of warming and freshening is subsequently propagated to bacteria as increased
phytoplankton biomass supports increased biomass of bacteria. To understand the underlying
bases of this phytoplankton-bacterial interrelationship, it is important to recognize the
communication over species borders. We looked for signs of existing cross signalling
between a predominant bacterial species, Vibrio harveyi, and a dominant diatom species,
Skeletonema marinoi. In V. harveyi, quorum sensing (QS), cell-to-cell signalling among
bacteria, indirectly regulates bacterial virulence gene expression. Previous studies have shown
this communication being interrupted by inhibitory compounds produced by some species of
macro- and microalgae. Our results indicate activation of QS in V. harveyi strains during the
experiment period, but QS did not regulate the expression levels of virulence factors. This
suggests that the QS activity of V. harveyi was not interrupted by the presence of S. marinoi
strain, implying that this diatom-bacteria relationship may in this respect be considered a
commensalistic relationship. In the face of climate change, our results make important
predictions for the future scenarios suggesting faster growth and development of microbial
blooms, both phytoplankton and bacteria including pathogenic bacteria and toxin-producing
phytoplankton. These can accumulate in commercially important bivalves, subsequently
passing to higher trophic levels. This may have considerable implications for seafood safety,
putting human health at high risk. We propose an integrated science-social science
framework for assessment of human vulnerability to climate change effects in marine
ecosystems. This can help to weigh, more explicitly and systematically, human vulnerability
influenced by complex and simultaneous environmental and socio-economic changes.
Kaur-Kahlon G, Kumar S, Rehnstam-Holm AS, Rai A and others (2016) Response of a coastal tropical pelagic microbial community to changing salinity and temperature. Aquat Microb Ecol 77:37-50.::doi::10.3354/ame01785 Kaur-Kahlon G, Kumar S, Rehnstam-Holm A-S, Singh A, Rai A, Bhavya P, Edler L, Andersson B, Karunasagar I, Ramesh R, Johannesson K (Manuscript) Seasonal responses to future climate in a tropical pelagic community Kaur-Kahlon G, Kumar K, Johannesson K, Karunasagar I, Godhe A, Ruwandeepika HA (Manuscript) Quorum sensing regulation of virulence gene expression in Vibrio harveyi in the presence of a marine diatom (Skeletonema marinoi) Knutsson P, Kaur-Kahlon G, Godhe A, Bhatta R, Karunasagar I, Turner L, Narayana R, Kadfak A, Johansson S (Manuscript) Assessing complex climate risk: the case of climate induced harmful microbial blooms along the Indian southwest coast
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Department of Marine Sciences ; Institutionen för marina vetenskaper
kl. 10.00 i Stora Hörsalen, Botanhuset, institutionen för marina vetenskaper, Carl Skottsbergsgatan 22B, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Kahlon, Gurpreet Kaur
Climate change
Quorum sensing
Microbial blooms
Vulnerability factors
Arabian Sea
Southwest India
Doctoral thesis