Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 128
Återhämtning och upplevd livskvalitet efter övre gastrointestinal kirurgi - ett patientperspektiv
(2009-05-14)Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning som rör cancersjukdomar i matstrupe, magsäck och bukspottkörtel har beskrivits utifrån olika perspektiv såsom symtombild behandlingsmöjligheter, operationsteknik och komplikationer och har i ... -
Att vara syskon till ett barn eller ungdom med cancersjukdom - Tankar, behov, problem och stöd
(2009-05-12)The overall aim was to describe the siblings’ thoughts on and experiences of needs, problems and supports when their brother or sister is being treated or undergoing follow-ups for or has died of cancer. The thesis uses ... -
The health care environment on a locked psychiatric ward and its meaning to patients and staff members
(2009-03-19)The overall aim of this thesis was to describe the health care environment on a locked acute psychiatric ward and to elucidate its meaning to patients and staff members. The study was performed using an ethnographic ... -
Major Depression and Family Life - The family's way of living with a long-term illness
(2009-02-06)The overall aim was to explore the family’s experiences of major depression and the meaning of the illness for family life, for the ill person, the partner and the children. This thesis has a life-world perspective and ... -
Unexplained chest pain in men and women - symptom perception and outcome
(2009-01-30)Patients with chest pain account for a large number of all patients seeking health care. The majority of these patients are referred to emergency departments (ED) and many of them are given a discharge diagnosis of unexplained ... -
Memories and Health Related Quality of Life - in patients with trauma cared for in the Intensive Care Unit
(2008-11-03)Patients’ experiences of hallucinations and nightmares during an intensive care unit stay (ICU) are well-known, but it is less known how these delusional memories (DM) affect patients after discharge from hospital following ... -
Encounters in Nursing Homes - Experiences from Nurses, Residents and and Relatives
(2008-10-20)Abstract: The care of residents in nursing homes (special housing) is a major challenge for the nursing profession, especially as the population of older people has increased in recent decades. One important aim of this ... -
Föräldrars delaktighet i sitt barns vård vid neonatal intensivvård
(2008-05-15)When a newborn baby is in need of care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the care is assumed to be carried out not only by personnel but also by parents. To promote parental participation in this care, the parents ... -
Living with diabetes during transition to adult life- Relationships, support of self-management, diabetes control and diabetes care
(2008-04-25)The overall aim of the thesis was to illuminate main concerns related to the transition of adolescents/ emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes to adult life and diabetes care and to gain a deeper understanding of how care ... -
Postoperative pain management - predictors, barriers and outcome
(2008-05-06)Despite the availability of clinical practice guidelines, effective analgesics and new technologies for drug administration, the management of postoperative pain continues to remain problematic and unsatisfactory. Nurses ... -
When Breast Cancer Returns. Women's experiences of Health, Illness and Adjustment During the Breast Cancer Trajectory
(2008-04-10)Although a recurrence of breast cancer is associated with significant distress, affecting health-related quality of life (HRQOL), little is known about women’s experience during the recurrent breast cancer trajectory. The ... -
Patient och medaktör. Studier av patientdelaktighet och hur sådan stimuleras och hindras.
(2008-03-25)ABSTRACT Original title: Patient och medaktör. Studier av patientdelaktighet och hur sådan stimuleras och hindras. Title in English: Patient and Co-actor. Studies of patient participation and how this is stimulated and ... -
Ömsesidighet i förhandling. Sjuksköterskors förutsättningar för och erfarenheter av att främja patientdelaktighet.
(2008-03-12)The overall aim of this thesis was to find theoretical structures in order to explain the phenomenon of patient participation as it is described by nurses. Data collection were obtained from focus groups (10) with nurses ... -
Experience of adjuvant treatment among postmenopausal women with breast cancer - Health-Related Quality of Life, symptom experience, stressful events and coping strategies.
(2008-02-22)In Sweden, breast cancer is today the most common type of cancer among women. Of the approximately 7,059 women who developed the disease in Sweden during 2006, about 73% were postmenopausal and aged 55 or older at time of ... -
Patients with worsening chronic heart failure – Symptoms and aspects of care. A Descriptive and Interventional study
(2007-12-17)The aims of this thesis are to (1) explore the factors related to seeking care (Paper I), (2) describe the association between fatigue and selected symptoms (Paper II), (3) validate a method to detect the symptoms (Paper ... -
Immigrants with heart failure- A descriptive comparative study of symptoms, self care, social support, care and treatment
(2007-11-27)Background: The current demographic profile in Sweden demonstrates blended ethnicities and cultures evolving through mass migration and resettlement. While it is acknowledged that cultural background affects, illness ... -
Patients with unexplained chest pain − Pain experience, stress, coping and health-related quality of life
(2007-09-28)Chest pain is a common symptom that causes individuals to seek acute care at emergency departments; however, more than half of these patients are judged to have no organic cause to their pain. In Sweden, the number of ... -
Patients' quality of life - Living with incurable cancer in palliative homecare
(2007-09-21)My clinical experience is that living in incurable cancer at the end of life is complex to patients and their families. Patients seem to have a rather good quality of life (QoL) but problems related to the progression of ... -
Knowing in practice - a tool in the production of intensive care
(2007-07-05)The overall aim with the the present thesisi was to find out how intensive care is produced by focusing on the ICU staffs interaction with each other and the technological tools they use. Theoretical perspective draws on ... -
Urinary bladder function and acquisition of bladder control in healthy children
(2007-05-28)The overall aim was to advance the knowledge of urinary bladder function and the acquisition of bladder control in healthy children. The participants in papers I, II and III were from the same population (n=59). In paper ...