Using social norms in energy conservation interventions
When designing interventions to promote pro-environmental behaviors, practitioners may
choose between techniques based on, for example, education, incentives, or social norms.
These intervention techniques may, however, target different kinds of motivation, and
therefore differ in their psychological and behavioral implications. The aim of this thesis is to
assess norm-based intervention techniques targeting energy conservation.
Study I compared a contest-based with a norm-based intervention technique. In two online
experiments participants performed pro-environmental tasks (writing energy-saving tips and
fictive recycling) while provided with either normative or competitive feedback. Results
showed that participants assigned to the contest-based intervention technique engaged more
intensively in both tasks. Participants in the norm-based intervention technique showed a
tendency for stronger intention for future energy conservation and stronger activation of
personal norms for non-targeted pro-environmental behaviors.
Study II applied the findings from Study I in two field experiments. Participants were
randomly assigned to a norm-based or a contest-based intervention targeting electricity
conservation. In the contest, both experiments confirmed an intensive but short-lived effect of
electricity conservation. Experiment 1 confirmed increase electricity saving attitudes and
more long-term electricity conservation in the norm-based interventions. Results of
Experiment 2 did not replicate these findings, but supported a positive spillover effect
between electricity and water conservation only in the norm-based intervention.
Study III tested a conceptual development of the descriptive norm. Analogous to the
separation between injunctive proscriptive and prescriptive norms, we suggest that the
descriptive norm can be separated into signaling others’ engagement (a descriptive “donorm”)
or disengagement (a descriptive “don’t-norm”). In line with our hypothesis that don’tnorms
are more influential, results from three experiments consistently showed that don’tnorms
outperformed do-norms (15%, 10% and 19%). However, only the third experiment
supported the difference with statistical significance.
Study IV examined compliance to prescriptive and proscriptive norms, targeting energy
conservation. In a 2 (words: prescription vs. proscription) × 2 (picture: prescription vs.
proscription) between-subject design, participants were exposed to prompts promoting
energy-saving. Results supported the hypothesis, showing that more participants (88.1%)
conformed to prompts including both prescriptive and proscriptive content than to prompts
including either prescriptions or proscriptions (78.6%). A follow-up experiment indicated that
these results were driven by attention and reactance. Finally, when asked which prompt
participants would use to influence other people to act pro-environmentally, the majority of
participants (80.1%) chose the prompt that was least effective in our field experiment.
I. Bergquist, M., Nilsson, A., & Hansla, A. (2017). Contests versus norms: Implications of contest-based and norm-based intervention techniques. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:2046. ::doi::10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02046 II. Bergquist, M., Nilsson, A., & Ejelöv, E. (2017). Contest-based and norm-based interventions: (How) do they affect attitudes, norms and behaviors? Manuscript submitted. III. Bergquist, M., & Nilsson, A. (2017). The Do’s and Don’ts in social norms: An avoidance-based descriptive norm increases conformity. Manuscript submitted. IV. Bergquist, M, & Nilsson, A. (2016). I saw the sign: Promoting energy conservation via normative prompts. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 46, 23-31. ::doi::10.1016/j.jenvp.2016.03.005
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Psychology ; Psykologiska institutionen
Fredagen den 12 januari 2018, kl. 10:00, Sal F1, Psykologiska institutionen, Haraldsgatan 1, Göteborg.
Datum för disputation
Bergquist, Magnus
Social norms
Pro-environmental behaviors
Doctoral thesis
Doctoral Dissertation