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dc.contributor.authorNilsson, Tara
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents results from a study investigating the learning effects from language learners in 6 th grade (Young English Language Learners, YELL) who use the web based learning tool Read Theory. The tool is used in school to practice reading comprehension. The data were collected through qualitative interviews with pupils in a Swedish school. The main purpose with the study was to examine what YELL comprehend with the help of Read Theory and which learning outcomes they develop. The YELL described how, when and why they use Read Theory. They also described their opinion of progress in English with the help of the web tool. When the interviews were completed data was divided into different themes concerning (1) the digital classroom and (2) the learning outcomes. Results show that Read Theory is a digital tool that YELL choose because it motivates them to read more and the texts are automatically adjusted for each individual. Further more it provides them not only with questions and answers but also an explanation from the texts they have read if they have given the wrong answer. The learning outcomes were divided into three groups (1) reading with focus as the texts are interesting and includes follow up questions, (2) learning new vocabulary as the texts contains new words, and (3) comprehension through context as the texts provides the reader with a coherence. Finally, the web tool Read Theory also motivates YELL to practice the structure with reading comprehension and answer questions with varied difficulty since it is similar to tests in
dc.subjectComputer-assisted language learning, Young English language learners, reading comprehension, Second language acquisition, ICTsv
dc.titleDigitala verktyg i lärandet av andra språk Webbverktyget Read Theory – förståelse och behållning på olika nivåersv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of pedagogical, curricular and professional studieseng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk professionswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essayeng

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