Den sommaren (That Summer)
Feature documentary centered on the film project Peter Beard initiated together with Lee Radziwill about her relatives, the Beales of Grey Gardens. Lost for decades, this extraordinary footage re-emerges in the documentary that focuses on Peter Beard and his family of friends who formed a vibrant creative community in Montauk in the 1970s.
Med stöd av
SFI, DFI, SVT, DR, YLE, Nordisk Film & TV-fond, Story, Louverture Films, Final Cut for Real, Thunderbolt
Beskrivning av projektet
Directed by acclaimed Swedish filmmaker Göran Hugo Olsson, That Summer centres on the film project artist Peter Beard initiated together with the incandescent Lee Radziwill about her relatives: the Beales of Grey Gardens. Lost for decades, this extraordinary footage re-emerges in Olsson’s documentary, which focuses on Peter Beard and his family of friends, who formed a vibrant and profoundly influential creative community in Montauk (Long Island) in the 1970s. Featuring Peter Beard, Lee Radziwill, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale, Edith Bouvier Beale (Little Edie and Big Edie), Andy Warhol.
Typ av arbete
Artistic work (Feature-length film)
Offentliggjord i
Telluride Film Festival 2017 (premiär). Kommande: Berlinale Panorama 2018. Svensk biografdistribution planerad i vår med NonStop Entertainment.
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Övrig beskrivning
Tobias Janson (producent)
(regi: Göran Hugo Olsson)
Janson, Tobias
Olsson, Göran Hugo
Grey Gardens
New York Seventies/
artistic work